Most popular viewed product of the week

This one.

My little mouse tops my views again for last week!

The most ‘hugged’ item in my shop was my Scandi Ski hottie

closely followed by the beautiful green coat hanger,

Thank you to everyone who thought so too!

a pendant - thanks to all who stopped by

This was tops for me. Thank you!

This is mine. I can’t figure out why it hasn’t sold yet, it used to be my best-seller…

This birthday card is my most popular item this week.

My antibacterial soap always seems to be a hit! Only listed yesterday & already at 11 views!

This was my most popular

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It’s very close but this is the most popular card this week, which is good as I love making them and would love to see a few go to a good home!!!

I promoted this bag on Facebook yesterday and it’s now got the top spot!

This is my most viewed!

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This one has made it back to the top of my list.

This bronze fella is proving popular.