October Optimists Daily Listing Challenge Thread! 1st to 31st October 2015

Good morning to the October Optimists Daily Listers and to all those taking part! Here’s to a month full of optimistism and with sales for us all!

Please don’t forget to view each other’s items in situ in their shops, to ensure we have good viewing figures for our items and most importantly, let us know when you have a Folksy sale, so we can celebrate with you.
Please remember to post a link of your item in the thread, or clickable picture if you prefer. If we have a direct link, it makes it easier for us to look at your items.
I will endeavour to keep a tally of the month’s sales. Please let me know if I miss any.
Sorry! Only folksy sales can be added to the tally but happy to hear about and celebrate outside successes with you.
There is a Flickr group for a collective of all the folksy daily listing groups, so join in with this too please


Twitter hashtag, for you twitter users are #folksygifts or #newonfolksy
For those wishing to repin, you can re-pin from my board

Folksy Daily Listers

Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all of your projects and interests.

And here is the FB link to Maxine’s wonderful shared page

The collective reported tally for the October Optimists by the end of yesterday was 227 Sales.

I will update the total if more sales come in today
Looking forward to seeing what everyone is going list!
Good luck everyone

Collective sales tally:

Knittingtopia X 10
StephShortStationary X 11
StephShortSupplies X 5
Silverbirchstudio X 11
Paperchainsandbeads X 10
DeborahJonesJewellery X 12
JAustenJewelleryDesigns X 6
beadstormJewellery X 26 (edited 10.58pm)
CraftsCouncil X 28
Valerie X 6
OrchardFelts X 13 (edited 8.00pm)
RozCrafts X 3 (edited 4.27pm)
Pipdesigns X 5
RedDragonDesign X 8
Glehcar X 13
Falon1986 X 1
Teabreaks X 1
NOfkantsCurios X 3
OhButtonMe X 4
TheCardJeanie X 4
KernowClaire X 22
StephanieGuy X 4
MidnightStarDesigns X 7
ShropshireNaturalProducts X 5
SoSewMegan X 3
AdienCrafts X 7
Sandranesbit X 7
JacquelineOJewellery X 1
Karenscraftybitz X 1
FluffStuffCrafts X 2
HobbitGirlie1880 X 1
Dawitchi X 1

Total sales: 241 (Edited 10.58pm 31.10.15)

Natalie x

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I thought I would start the new moths thread a little early in case anyone wanted to list before going to bed, like me! LOL!

Hope we Optimists have a. October full of sales for all!

My item for today is a wide crocheted neck cosy, or Scarflet, suitable for a lady or a gent. I can crochet in differing colours if requested!

Natalie x


Good morning and thank you Nartalie, you are a huge sparkly star for keeping us going :). Good luck everyone for some serious October sales.


Morning All, Happy October!

Pinning here https://uk.pinterest.com/adiencrafts/folksy-finds-2015/

Oops just created and started pinning everything to a November 2015 board - lost a month somewhere, must wake up before attempting to do anything else :smile:


White Rabbits to you all.

I’m starting this month with a relist of this Aga Hob Lid Cover . . .

Good morning Optimists. Hope you all have an October filled with sales.

I have a relist today.


Carol x

Good morning Optimists,
I hope you are all well. Thank you Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for running the thread again this month.
I have a re-list to start off the month.
I am still busy embroidering Welsh Dragons for a custom order, I only have one left to do now thank the lord :smile: Then 7 tea towels, so another full day today. I’ll try and get something new done for my other shop :expressionless:
I have clicked, pinned and loved to here.
I hope you all have a sales filled October,
Donna x

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Morning all, October Optimists what a great name thanks Natalie. Hopefully we will all feel as optimistic at the end of the month when we have had sales.
Today’s listing is a fruit cutting board to match yesterdays listing.

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Good morning. Here’s a copper heart to start the month. Thank you Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for all your hard work!

Morning all I had hoped to have something new to start the month with but although made not photographed yet, hopefully today.
Meantime here is a relist

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I’ve just bought one of these items but I’ll let the seller tell you which one! :smile:

Have a great October everyone!

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Good Morning

October already… Phew!!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


morning all…Happy October…the sun is shining and it is a lovely day out there.
My first listing for October is a fantasy landscape.

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Ever the optimist - good morning folks. Starting the month with a new listing

Morning October and morning Optimists! Thanks so much @NOfkantsCurios Natalie for running the thread for another month xxx

Hope this month brings loads of sales, I seem to have lost my mojo a bit, battling a bit of a cold atm so am blaming that, that and probably home life if I’m honest, am hoping some of that optimism rubs off on me! Plus account runs out now in 4 days, still undecided what to do!!!

Heres a new cuff from me today xx


Well we are into October, Where has the year gone !! I hope we all have some sales this month, here is my cute felted sheep, he is £15 00 and also with a 10% off


I have another crocheted item to show. My own design

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Morning Optimists
Just paid my Folksy bill… Its the first one since April …

2 new tartan phone/camera cases today

Valerie x