So...I donated my hair to charity today

What a lovely thing to do, your new style looks great

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Awww thanks again folks. Such lovely things to say. Hehe :blush::blush: I’m sort of getting used to it!! Haha

I’d looked on the website and it said it need to be at least 7 inches long- so mine was 10. Between the bobbles- we didn’t count the end parts. Haha

What a wonderful thing to do, @curiousseagull! I have heard of this charity and would have done it myself when I was younger, but sadly my hair started to go gray about 5 years ago and now it’s dyed. :cry:

Love Sam x

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Such a kind and generous thing to do. Your new look is lovely.

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You can use dyed hair. Mine is also dyed- so long as it’s dyed a natural colour- and has to be at least 7 inches.
I double checked the dyed thing too just to be sure. :blush:

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Well done you, what a great thing to do, it will make one little girl very,very happy! :slight_smile:


A girl in my form did this last year. Several members of her family had had cancer and a girl in the form has just had a bone marrow transplant to try and rid her of leukaemia. She found out about Little Princess too. She was going for the full shave too, with the Head’s permission, but we talked her out of it. Not often been as proud of my tutee’s as the day she came to me with the idea, such a generous thing to do.

If anyone is considering it, fantastic but do read through their conditions, they prefer it done by a hair dresser, most of whom are used to doing it too.

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Ahh that’s lovely.

Yeah- the website bullet points all the things you need to bare in mind. My hairdresser put it into a plait and measured it first just to make sure it was worth it before we cut it off!
They also want it to be plaited- which is easier to do when it’s still attached to the head! Haha

They don’t actually seem to want it shaved- just cut. I don’t know whether it just seems more doable that way or if there’s another reason.

Mines sitting in it’s plait in a sandwich bag waiting to be sent off on Monday. Haha looked pretty gross once it had been cut off though. :confused:

Welling up a bit reading all this - what an amazing thing to do! Your hair is just lovely (both before AND after). A really uplifting post :smile:

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Fantastic, well done! xx And your new do looks fabulous on you too! :slight_smile:

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Well done Susannah, what an excellent jesture and it will make a lovely wig for a little girl. Your hair still looks long and it will grow again soon. Keep up the good deeds, and let us know what you plan to do next. Marg. x

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As somebody who’s hair is just growing back after chemo, I know how important my wig has been to me. It made me at least appear normal. Avoiding all those well meaning but hard to cope with looks. If it’s this hard for an adult it must be doubly devasting for a child and their parents.
A fabulous thing to do and the new hair do looks very glam!


Awww thanks again folks- such lovely things to say!! Think I might do it again when it grows back- it probably won’t take that long!
And thank you for sharing @SoSewMegan I really can’t imagine what it must be like- but I just think how much I love my hair now- as a little girl it must just be such a horrible thing to go through. I guess in a way it sort of labels the person even more as without a wig you can’t really hide it.

As 7inches is the minimum length, I wonder how many people say, get a major hair cut and get 6 inches cut off without realising if they waited a couple of weeks or so they could do the same thing but donate the waste!

Fantastic! I love your new style too. I knew a girl when I was back in school (more years ago than I can mention) She had super long hair, the length you can sit on and it tickles the back of your knees. She did a similar thing and had the lot donated. She looked great with shorter hair too. I am trying to grow mine, but it seems to be taking a while. Once I get to the stage it is too long, I will definitely think about donating it to charity.

Jacqueline x

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Hi Suzanne
I just wondered how did you go about donating your hair?
I’m going to get mine cut but it’s so long and want to get loads cut off so thought it would be a good idea to donate it.


Look on the website The Little Princess Trust. It gives you the info on there! Really easy- you have to have at least inches to donate and it just needs to be put into a plait then chopped off! It can be any natural colour- even dyed so long as it’s dyed a natural colour and it obviously needs to be clean- and that’s it! Then you just stick it in an envelope and post it to the charity- the address is on their website. Hope that helps. :smile:
And have fun!! I think it’s a fab thing. :slightly_smiling:


That’s fantastic thank you.
My hair is nearly at my bum now so lots to donate. My doctor has advised me to shave it all off but I can’t bring myself to do that yet but going to get it really short.
Apparently getting it shaved off will reset the growing of all my hair as it falls out quite a lot due to the medication I was on.
I’ll go have a look at the website. Thank you for your help.

Oh that’s interesting. Never heard of that before. But yeah- there’s definitely a huge difference between getting it all cut short and shaving! I’d find that very scary!!
Hope you find a fix sooner rather than later!

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