What do you want to know about SEO?

Are you confused about SEO?

What do you want to know about search engine optimisation for your online shop?

Our ‪#‎folksyhour‬ chat on 16 June was all about SEO for your Folksy shop, and we enlisted the help of four top SEO experts: online marketing expert Dan Barker (follow his regular #ecomchat), Gabriel Homer founder of Craftjuice.com, Claire Hughes one half of Handmade Horizons and author of From Passion to Profit - Start Your Business in 6 Weeks or Less!, and our very own @HilaryP, creator of Craft Blog UK and author of Online Marketing For Your Craft Business.

If you missed the chat or if you’re not on Twitter, post your SEO questions here and we will try to help you out. Or if you have some brilliant advice or have learned by experience what works and what doesn’t you can help each other out too!

We will follow up the chat with a series of blog posts about SEO and what you can do to help your shop be seen by more people.


I don’t use twitter either and would love to know more about SEO :cry:

Have you got any specific questions Donna? We can ask them for you and write up the answers in a blog post.

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To be honest Camilla, I’m not really sure what it all means and how it affects sales and so on, so a beginners guide would be very helpful :smile:


Wow - amazing Folksy hour tonight!

http://tweetchat.com/room/folksyhour I use tweet chat to keep up with it.

We will be creating lots more SEO tips for our blog that specifically show Folksy Sellers how to get the best out of their listings.

Then we can also help with how to raise awareness on search engines of your shop through social networking and through writing a blog - these can all help with building links into your shop which is a big part of seo. This is really vital when there are lots of people selling similar items to you and you want to get noticed.


@stevieafloat and @ShropshireNaturalProducts In tonight’s chat there was a great deal of praise for https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-seo

Although when you apply that to your Folksy shop there will be areas you have no control over - ie navigation and usability - but the areas where you can control are your images, descriptions, titles and also building links back into your shop through your own blog and through getting featured on other peoples through networking both on and offline.


I really enjoyed tonight’s Folksyhour. My head is still buzzing with all the info :smiley:


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If you missed the #folksyhour chat tonight, here’s a recap of the conversation…

And as @HilaryP says, we’ll follow this up with some specific advice for Folksy sellers on the blog - and lots of SEO tips.

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Wasn’t able to join in (daughter home from uni requiring undivided attention) but will be reading blog with interest.

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One for bookmarking and reading tomorrow! Have been stuffing playing cards into packs this evening as part of a 108 artists collaboration!

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Looks like you all had a good chat, I appreciated the message inviting me to attend but unfortunately we were out yesterday for the day.

As a web developer, for coming up to 18 years now … Boy things were different in the early days !!! google wasn’t a main player then !!

I do think we need to keep having these discussions on a regular basis, not just because new people are coming online all the time. But things change … A lot !!! And we need to keep up with things like changes to webmaster guidelines and how not only Google but Twitter and Facebook etc are changing the way they work and use and present our content.

Great to be able to read your chats today - thanks


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Thank you @HilaryP I’ve had a quick look and will read it properly tonight :smile:

I missed it, but just read the blog email and found it very well written. I like the stuff about using key words to gain quality traffic.

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