Does anyone know any info about this[program]&act=[account]&obj=[objective]&ch=[campaigntype]&tt=[tm]&mv=google&PID1=sYWuW7kjm|dc;91682520414;paypal%20small%20loans;b;;eu84e2fpi0&mpch=ads&rftp=7&srce=cnvr&ercc=27728-205828-8030-33&spid=878603199373759980

looks a bit iffy have you tried ringing paypal and asking if it’s real etc.

Just had hubby to check it out. It is real but apparently this is what has to happen in your account.

You need to be processing at least £1,000 in sales through your PayPal account each month.
So that counts me out.

and me lol

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I haven’t looked into it as it isn’t of interest, but everytime I log into my Paypal I get it pop up.
So it is genuine.