Most popular viewed product of the week

This unicorn make up bag is my most viewed item this week

Most popular viewed item since my shop opened a week ago :+1:

Most viewed item this week.

This was my most popular product of the week:

As it is Father’s Day this weekend after all!

My most viewed item this week is this child’s bag from unicorn fabric

My most popular viewed item is…

These simple star earrings

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My most viewed item of the last week (actually tied for top place)

My most popular item was my echinacea topped tea cosie, thank you all who loved it XX

My most popular item was my new lighthouse painting

This is my most viewed, a wooden box with a pewter dragonfly…

My most viewed this week was this pretty little dress;

Here is my most viewed item this week


The most popular item in my shop is my big fish Jumper. A perfect English summer jumper! :blue_heart::green_heart::fish::green_heart::blue_heart:

'Tis the season for teacher cards and gifts - and my handmade Star Teacher card, made with recycled card is my most viewed item of the week:

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