Pinterest Promo - Pin an item from the shop above to one of your boards

pinned to my embroidery and applique board

I have pinned this pretty cardigan to my Folksy Favourites board

I’ve pinned this to the Grey - #CraftBuzz board

Pinned this beauty to my Gorgeous Handmade Jewellery board

Pinned this to my folksy board

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I love this colour combination. Pinned to my Wonderful wool on Folksy board.

Pinning this bag to my Folksy favourites board,

Pinned this to my Folksy Pastels board

Pinned to my Greenman" board :slight_smile:

Pinned to my Folksy board

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Pinned to my Folksy Four Legged Friends board.

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Saved to ***My #Folksy Favourites

Pinned to my Folksy board

Pinned to my folksy board.

Pinned to my folksy board x

Perfect teacher gift,
Pinning to my Folksy favourites board

Posted to my May on Folksy board

Pinned to my folksy board x

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Pinning this to my Folksy favourites board,