Anyone interested in a June daily listings challenge thread?

Its come to that time again for me to reach out and see if anyone is interested in taking part in the challenge of a daily listing club for June 2015.

If you have not taken part in a daily listing club before and are wondering what it is all about or how it works, please pop across and visit the Club for May, the May Queens and see how we operate, but in simplistic terms:

The daily listing is a personal challenge to list an item a day for the month, it is a personal challenge, so no one will shout at you, or hound you out of the club if you miss a day here of there.

Once you have listed your item, you come to the thread for that particular day and tell us what you have listed, with a link to that item, so we can check it out too.

Visit the items of your fellow club members, actually go and check out the item in their shops, a simple way to show you are taking part and fellow club members really appreciate that you have stopped by!

Promote not just your own item, but fellow club members too, in what ever way you are able, by pinning, stumbling, FB linking, Blogging, Tweeting, whatever is in your remit of possibilities, in this way we all support and promote each other, and hopefully raise awareness of our crafts and of Folksy too, all of which has to be a good thing.

Please remember that although sales cannot be certain, additional promotion can be, which has to be a good thing!

Every month we think of a new unique name for the club, and to get the ball rolling I’ll suggest some names off the top of my head, but would really appreciate your name suggestions to add to the list, then we can all vote on our Favourite name, the most popular one will then be adopted!

June Name suggestions!

June Bugs
June Jewels
June Japes
June Buds
June Jetsetters
Jolly June Jape

I have terrible trouble coming up with names, as you can probably tell I pinched these from Natalie’s post from last year :slight_smile: So all and any suggestions are welcome.

Donna x

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Hi Donna.

I would love to join in again. I can’t always guarantee a daily post, but I enjoy taking part and helping with promotion.
May has been pants for sales for me so I’m all geared towards a fresh new month :smiley:

I like the name June Jewels


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I would love to join again
Not to worried about what we are called though

I’d love to join in again (I’ve nearly managed to keep up this month) quite like the sound of June Jewels but don’t mind too much :slight_smile:

I can’t believe your thinking about this already I am still waiting for my first sale of May, count me in for next month quite like the idea of being a June Jetsetter. Hazel

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Yes please :smile:

I’m game - whatever you call it.

count me in even if its been a bit manic here. Im up for a jolly June Jape but happy whatever x

I’m hoping to find time to continue - really enjoy this thread. Don’t mind about name - will have a think when my brain is working!

June bugs! is my choice x

I’m just giving this thread a boost. I may have started it a little early :anguished:

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Don’t worry Donna @ShropshireNaturalProducts only a few days and it really will be June. Eek.
We’re does the time go.

Have you added a link to here on the May Blossoms thread? There’s probably some on there who want to join in but can’t quite believe it’s nearly June (like me I don’t know where this year has gone!!)

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I hadn’t thought about the Diane, I’ll do it as soon as I get back on my laptop :slight_smile:
I’m having 5 mins in the sun with a cup of tea right now lol :sun_with_face:


Enjoy your cuppa, and could you send a bit of sun in my direction, it’s grey here (but thankfully not raining yet)

I’ll do my best lol :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Thank you for offering to run this thread again Donna @ShropshireNaturalProducts I’m still trying to get myself out there after my long absence so count me in. I like June Jetsetters :smile:

Carol x

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Yes please Donna and thank you xx
JUNE Jollies ? June Jets? June’ Jangles?
Steph :wink:

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June jollies sounds brilliant and fun steph @stephshortstationery

Hi all
I’d like to take part in June Jewels Daily Listings : )