Brand new tag pages!

Good question. I’ve just checked and it looks like there is a limit of 255 characters (including commas) for each tag box. So if you have 15 tags, that’s 15 commas, which means you have 240 characters to play with.

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I would also add the tags ‘stained glass suncatcher’ and ‘stained glass suncatchers’ on all your products, Joy.

Thanks Camilla, I’ve started on my more specific listings will go fill in a few more general ones now :slight_smile:

Thanks Camilla will do :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

A general question for anyone to answer, when searching on here or Google would you use the word ‘card’ or ‘cards’ and does anyone know if it makes a difference? I don’t want to double up tags by adding singular and plural versions if it doesn’t matter (I think my typing fingers are going to be sore as it is :unamused:)

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Hi @folksycontent - I’m a bit confused as I thought the tags were picked up for internal search. Are these tag pages just pages which are created as a result of an external search only? So if I searched for ‘pony gifts’ on google, I might find a Folksy tag page which my pony picture would be on IF I had tagged it with ‘Pony gifts’. If I tagged it with ‘Pony’ and also with ‘Gifts’ as two separate tags, then I wouldn’t be on the external tag page for ‘Pony gifts’ per se, but might instead be featured on a generic Folksy search page that would be generated when someone searched for ‘Pony Gifts’ using the internal search??

That’s a great idea, I’m not brill with tags but do try to add relevant ones, it’s fab that they can get picked up by google as it spreads our products and the folksy name too, thumbs up from me :slight_smile:

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You’re right Heidi, tags are used for internal search on Folksy - and they still will be - but the work we’ve been doing means that a page now exists on Folksy for every single tag. That means there are now new pages on Folksy that Google can search and potentially show as results for certain searches.

So in theory if someone searches for ‘Pony Gifts’ on Google, this page which shows all items tagged with ‘pony gifts’ (plural and used as one tag) could be shown by google as a result (it’s unlikely though because there aren’t many results on the page and neither of the items has the word ‘Pony Gifts’ in its title).

But yes, if you had tagged your item ‘pony’ and ‘gifts’, then although your item wouldn’t be on that particular tag page that can be seen by Google, it would still show up in internal searches on Folksy for ‘pony gift’ or ‘pony gifts’ (the internal search looks for plurals and singular versions of the search term). It would also be on the tag page for ‘pony’ so anyone browsing Folksy who clicks on the ‘pony’ tag (on any page) would see it.

Does that help?

This sounds great and very well explained, thank you xx

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This sounds like a great idea and I really hope it gets me more traffic, since I have been on Folksy now for a few months with only a few shop views and likes and zero sales. Perhaps also I could ask amother question, a bit off topic, sorry: Do any of you look for art on Folksy? It seems like it’s mainly for craft sellers, but I do see some artists here and some who sell. I’ve been told that it’s a different market, but I can’t offer original artwork here at half the cost of elsewhere. I have to keep my prices as consistent as possible across the board: online, galleries, etc. Sorry, if I digress from the topic in hand. I think this clickable tag thing will hopefully be a big help! Also, just wondering if Folksy will ever have an app in the foreseeable future ? I think that is a must nowadays considering other similar online outlets do.

maybe it will help me to! I’m gradually adding more tags to everything as I have become completely invisible it seems everywhere, my views are really low for some reason, so I’m not selling much at all apart from a small flurry at beginning of November, maybe I will have to go to the 'other side ’ after all :worried:

I’d like to know the same thing to, am I right in thinking plural is best ie, gifts instead of gift @folksycontent I’m not very good at this kind of thing !

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“Like wine” :wine_glass::wine_glass::wine_glass::wine_glass::wine_glass::joy:. Thanks for this, lots of useful info. Previously I have varied the tags for similar (or ‘bulk’ listings and of the same) products in an effort to maximise ‘hits’ but maybe I should now have some consistent tags (eg Radio 4) and vary the others? What to you think?

I wondered why nobody visited my jewellery shop, Ive just realised half the items had no tags:o/

I have only just read this, but I’ve had more views this week and two sales. It must be working :slight_smile:

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Just had a quick look and I like that - need to check my tags

Thanks for this, I’ve been wondering how is best to tag for Folksy and this definitely helps (especially that colours and materials are counted and plurals are needed if relevant). Think I’ll be going back over my items and redoing them soon, glad I don’t have too many up yet!

Just 1 question, what about the categories? Do they count as tags too or is it useful to use those words again?

Categories aren’t counted as tags, so yes it could be useful to use them again as a tag if you think it’s something a shopper might search for :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your brilliant explanation, Camilla, as for me tags have always been part of Googooland rather than Google land!
One question: Is there a set priority order the tags should be in, ie does the external search mainly picks up on the first tags together with the title?

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Phew! I’m glad it made sense and was helpful.

To answer this question, all tags are equally weighted so you can use them in any order.

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