January Jet Setters daily listing challenge thread! 1st to 31st Janaury 2016!

Afternoon all.
It’s actually sunny here. I’d almost forgotten what sunshine looks like. :sunglasses:
A football themed grandson card today. Could be used for a birthday or congratulations on making the school/local football team.

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Good afternoon all,

Another new listing from me today. I’ve listed it under Valentine’s Day for the moment but it would suit many more occasions, e.g. Engagement, Anniversary, etc…

Jeanie x

I’ve just relisted a few items, including this iPad Mini Case . . .

Late today; good afternoon all. Spent the morning in company of Ethan, latest grand child. My job is to make him laugh. Then lunch with his mum and dad. Came home to list this -

Hiya all!
Sorry I’m late !
Cameron off college today, he’s absolutely full of cold, he was still going to go in, as he will not stay off, but I think he new he couldn’t he couldn’t even eat his breakfast.
Busy with orders and I’ve also got a tiered cake to do for Wednesday for a 21st! So I might not be able to get here tomorrow but I will keep pinning and reading through.

Here’s mine today, and I’ll try and catch up later, Steph xx

Afternoon, best wishes to Cameron Steph @stephshortstationery I also picked up a cold, hardly ever get them but had a really sore throat and I’m left with a cough now, babysitting this morning, was fine though as that’s where I caught my cold in the first place lol!

mine for today

RIP Bowie :sob:

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Hello everyone. Haven’t pinned yet, I’ll work backwards in a bit.

Carol x

Hi Natalie @NOfkantsCurios can you please put me down for one sale today please. (My first for January, been a slow start this month) I will be back later to share. Thanks

Have caught up with loving,pinning and tweeting :blush::+1:

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Such sad news about David Bowie. I gave birth to our daughter with Ziggy Stardust playing in the background. A great distraction!

New bracelet from me today

Well done everyone in your sales today! Happy dancing for you all!

My bosses son with the spinal tumor, they have discovered that it is not malignant! Phew! They have decided to try and shrink it before attempting surgery, so we are now awaiting dates for the procedure to start and surgery will be after they have successfully, or not, shrunk it a bit, they are concerned as it has taken over and absorbed almost all of one vertebrae! Apparently his vertebra is almost like an egg shell now! Poor love! When they do decide to operate, they have said they will have to sever some nerves! They are all being very brave!

Natalie x


I have an embroiderd yarn and felt aceo today.

Natalie x


If any of you are interested in trying to crackdown on things being sold on Folksy that aren’t allowed , then can you help with the voting on this idea


I have voted

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I was writing my own version of the topic and you beat me to it - fab! Just voted xx


I have triple voted!

Natalie x


triple voted from 2 shops , not being a techie type I have no idea if this is a workable idea though.


I was a computer programmer in my other life and yes its all achievable