October Optimists Daily Listing Challenge Thread! 1st to 31st October 2015

Yay Jacqueline! Happy dancing for your two sales!

Off to Rome on Saturday for an extended weekend! Middle son is house sitting, with friend, ‘Chance’ has it that many pizza’s will be ordered and consumed in Newbury! LOL!

Very excited and will keep shop open as only going for a long weekend, so any sales can be processed on my return, ever hopeful!

Natalie x


Natalie @NOfkantsCurios, hope you have a great time in Rome! Bring back a few Italian sales fairies if you find them. Jacqueline @JAustenJewelleryDesign, thank you for the bangle love. The new event button is great - thrilled to find one of my items in Folksy favourites as well as several in gift guides. Thank you to all who have loved and pinned! Goodnight.


Have a great time - very jealous! Praying the weather will be kind and if not, that the cafes are filled with cappuccinos, pizzas and gelatto MMMMMMM!!!

Thrilled with the new button too @silverbirchstudio. Makes you feel a little more confident about your work. Thank you to everyone here who has taken the time to click, love and pin my work. You are the best xxx


The weather forecast whilst we are there is supposed to be good, around 21’c and sunny or sunny with cloud! I think I can cope with that! LOL!

Will definitely be on the look out for Italian sales fairies! LOL!

Natalie x

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Just googled Italian Sales Fairy and is supposed to be:

vendite fata

Can I have one of those please?

Jacqueline x

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Well I am fata than you! LOL! Not sure if I am vendite than you are though!!!

Natalie x


Ha Ha! You are silly Natalie. Just discussing cocktail night with my OH. Will wait until you get back from Italy. :cocktail:

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Good morning, Happy wednesday everyone! ooh have a fab time Natalie @NOfkantsCurios

Mine for today little stocking filler pack

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And in my bargain basement today at only £4 …

Morning Optimists

The new event button is super but I am a little worried that I wont show up on peoples shops as “loving” their items - you can’t unlove and love again and then show up. I am loving everyone’s items whether it shows or not.

Today, sorry another hairclip

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Just clicked the new “Activity” button and would like to say thanks to all who have “loved” my stuff. I think I’ll use this as my entry page each day!

I’ve just relisted this little tattoo purse today . . .


Good morning all.


Carol x

Morning Optimists

A relist today.
Hope you’re all well. No news from this side.


Morning, wet and grey here today.

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Morning, wet and dull start to the day, but on a cheery note i’ve a Sale item this morning.

Whoop Whoop finally! thought it was going to be a dry month on folksy, Can you add me 1 to the tally please Natalie @NOfkantsCurios

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Good morning everyone, its raining cats and dogs here, why didn’t I get my camera out yesterday to photograph my work? It was such a beautiful day. Here is my list for today.

Right, I’m off to hopefully finish some Halloween capes for some performers! To be worn with stilts, and therefore extremely long!!!

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Another remake to replace one I sold :smile:

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Good morning Optimists,
I hope you are all well. It’s rainy and grey here in Shropshire today :umbrella: I knew the lovely warm sunny weather we’ve been having was too good to last. At least I manages to get all the washing done and I cut the grass yesterday too, hopefully for the last time this year :expressionless:
I have something new to show you again this morning!!
I think I have clicked, pinned and loved to here. Our internet is misbehaving at the moment. We’re switching over to fibre and a new supplier on Friday, which is very exiting, but our existing BT connection has been terrible all week. :cry:
Can I add one to the tally please Natalie @NOfkantsCurios taking me up to 5. I hope you have a great time in Rome too :smile:
Donna x

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new one today