A place to show, admire and if you are inclined, to buy all kinds of cards and paper crafts smile
If you have time we are all happy to be stumbled, tweeted, facebook liked,blogged to your hearts content.
Most are happy to be pinned too, but they will say in their post if not.
Buyers if you don’t see what you are looking for, please ask
The theme for this week is an open day, thought it might be an idea to give us a chance to show our … latest, favourites, colours, special offers, Father’s Day …anything you want !!
So hopefully the theme will suit us all, one way or another.
Remember though, anything will do.
Let’s see a busy thread!
Morning everyone! Hope you enjoyed the weekend despite the rain:umbrella:
To kick us off , I’ve a special offer to show today only £1.25 for this set of three gift tags!
Can’t believe it’s Monday again! I’m determined to post an item every day on here this week (usually start OK then fizzle out by the middle of the week)
Here’s my first one, suitable for Father’s day or Dad’s Birthday (I can also make it in a version for Grandad, Husband, Brother etc.)
Morning all!
Welcome to the thread Lesley @thecraftyartisan X
Thanks everyone for a busy day yesterday, GreatX!
Here’s my new one today
Catch up later on Steph xx
Well I failed in my quest to post every day and it’s only Wednesday (although in my defence we had a plumber in yesterday installing new radiators so it was a bit chaotic here) I’ll post 2 today to make up for it
Wedding season is in full swing in our village so I’ll share a couple that can be used for that special day
Hope everyone is ok today
Ah Diane @HandmadeByDiane radiators not a nice job, hope you get sorted soon, I hate any type of upheaval like that, especially where water is involved …no cuppas!!!
Here’s one of my latest, see you all later, Steph xx
Hiya all!
Thanks so much for your lovely listings this week,
Hope to see you all tomorrow on the new thread with a new theme.
I’ll leave you with my new one today and hope you all enjoy your Sunday
Thanks Steph xx
Well I am back from my holiday in Norfolk, been a quiet, peaceful thoroughly relaxing time. Great!!! Wifi was really dodgy so its been quite a change not being so accessable - good tho
Looks like youve all had a good time on here this week, some lovely cards.
Big thanks to Steph @stephshortstationery for stepping in for two weeks. I will be back in the driving seat tomorrow so look forward to seeing everyone there