Hi All
This is a place to show, admire and if you are inclined, to buy all kinds of cards and paper crafts smile
If you have time we are all happy to be stumbled, tweeted, facebook liked, blogged to your heart’s content.
Most are happy to be pinned too, but they will say in their post if not.
Buyers if you don’t see what you are looking for, please ask.
The theme for this week is ’ SPARKLES AND STARS’ but as always, if you don’t have anything that fits the bill, anything will be ok, just be good to see all your work
Looking forward to seeing all your SPARKLY MAKES !
Morning all!
Hope you are well,
Very cold , definately a nip in the air now.
Hope the theme is ok, as this week will take us up to bonfire night.
So here’s mine for starters
Have a good day!
Steph xx
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I had some of my drawings made into rubber stamps so I could make cards with them.
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A chilly one here too Steph had our first light frost this morning too but blue sky and sun, so hope that lasts!!!
Great theme.
Our Ian’s arm almost back to normal, thanks, working away for a fortnight gave it much needed rest. Ony trouble is he caught a cold on flight back, flipping air con!!!
Here is mine for today
Carol xx
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Happy Monday Lovely cards everyone.
Sparkly Fairy shoes
Hiya all!
Pleased Ian’s arm is on the mend Carol @cariadcrafts11 must be a relief.
Very DREEK here today dark and miserable all day,…urghh!
Here’s my sparkler today
Steph xx
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Another lovely autumnal day although did cloud over quite early with an odd watery sun.
Hope everyone shared similar and no rain
Here is mine for today
Carol xx
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What a beautiful day it turned out to be and lots of sunshine this afternoon. Shame it was my cleaning house afternoon, still, it is all done and dusted now.
Hope everyone has had a good day
Had a few trick and treaters last night, very cute little ones though, even had a fairy with batwings ahhhhh.Had lots of treats for them and even a few black plastic spiders!!!
Carol xx
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Grey, cloudy, chilly but DRY
Hope everyone ok, especially now children are back at school.
Here is mine for today
Carol xx
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Hi everyone, cold and brightish here this morning, probably rain later
Great to see all the lovely sparkly cards on here this week.
Now I know you can see it in the photo but these cards are enhanced with clear glitter ink all over the place
A typical autumn day today, grey, chilly but hey, the sun has just appeared for the first time today.
Went to visit an arboretum this morning, really lovely to see all the colours. No-one around either
Hope everyone ok, and managing to stay snuggly and warm
Enjoy last day of the week before the weekend and Bonfire Night
Carol xx
A lovely sunny autumnal day today.
Visited Nantwich this morning, lovely atmosphere with acoustic guitarist playing, bought few bits and coffee in M & S, very nice
Steph @stephshortstationery hope you get this link
Hope all going to fireworks tonight, has a good time, I’m afraid Strictly wins out!!!
Carol xx
Well what a wet night we’ve had and some showers this morning too, hope better weather elsewhere. At least the sun has come out now, but for how long???
This is my last listing for this week, big thanks to Steph @stephshortstationery and all listers. Will definitely have to put my thinking cap on for tomorrow.
Enjoy your Sunday
Carol xx