Cards and Papercraft Weekly Monday thread 22/7 - 28/7/19

Thank you DaisyWings :blush:x


After all that heat oddly enough it is quite nice to have a wet day, still very warm, you can see all the plants smiling :slight_smile:

Love your unicorn Melanie @meldelcrafts

Enjoy the weekend all

Carol xx



Thank you @cariadcrafts11 your card is very pretty in pink. :blush: x

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Happy Sunday :slight_smile:

Lovely and sunny but not too warm here today, perfect.

My last pink card for the week;


SUN Tina @DaisyWings??? It has done nothing but rain here for the last two days!!! I know the gardens need it, but enough is enough lol

My last listing for this week, I will try and come up with a good theme for tomorrow.

Nice to see the thread this busy, thank you one and all

Carol xx