Cards and Papercraft Weekly Monday thread June 25 to July 1st 2018

Dear All

A place to show all papercrafts and card making projects and items you have in your shops that come under the Papercraft theme.

If you have time we are all happy to be stumbled, tweeted, facebook liked, blogged to your heart’s content.

Most are happy to be pinned too, but they will say in their post if not.

Buyers if you don’t see what you are looking for, please Ask.

This week I thought I’d pick the colour theme of blues and greens

But if you haven’t anything that fits the bill, please list anything, your favourite, latest make, all to make a busy thread.

Good luck everyone

Carol xx

Morning Everyone

Another absolutely beautiful day, seems like it is here to stay for a while too.

Hope everyone well and enjoyed the weekend.

Gym first thing today then meeting a friend in our local market town of Nantwich this afternoon. Thinking of all the air con cafes!!! lol

Chosen the colour theme again as it seemed very popular so looking forward to seeing all your makes.

Carol xx

Hi Carol and everyone, yes what great weather we’re having and I haven’t forgotten to water the garden either.

I missed yesterday, you know how life gets in the way :slight_smile:

Loving this weeks colour theme, here’s mine;


Cor another scorcher today, thankfully had my hair cut this afternoon so feeling much better now it is so short.

Love your blue tit Tina @DaisyWings

Hope everyone surviving ok, unbelievable to have such heat so early in the summer, hope once this ends it remembers to return.!!! especially for the children in the school holidays.

Carol xx

Hello Carol and Tina
This has both!

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And so we swelter on. Yoga this morning and cleaning this afternoon. Busy day, but forecast is hot for another week or so, but jobs have to be done ;-((

Here is mine for today

Carol xx

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Evening :slight_smile:

I shall be popping out to water the garden soon, so here’s my card for today;

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Hi everyone :slight_smile:

Today’s card, some blue and some green;

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Beautiful day again, looks like more watering tonight Tina, hope they don’t bring a hosepipe ban in soon

Here is mine for this Friday, have a great weekend all

Carol xx

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Hi all


Wow, so the hot weather continues.

Visited our local RSPCA Wildlife Centre earlier for their annual summer fayre. Sadly the dogshow was cancelled due to the hot conditions:( But there were lots of ferrets!! Loads of tombolas, raffles, cake stall (yummy), drinks and a fab plant stall.

Hope everyone well and coping ok

This will be my last listing on this theme, am I ok to hand over to you Tina @DaisyWings tomorrow? Big thanks

Carol xx

Yes Carol, leave it with me for tomorrow. :slight_smile: The summer fayre sounded fun and I definitely feeling hot. :flushed::smile: