Craft Juice - September

Morning, thank you Lynn @erkinwald :smile:

listed and voted

Voting up to date and listed one. Pauline x

listed and voting now x

All voted - off to post now.

Jacqueline x

Here is mine for today

Please can I join in for September - Iā€™ll need to catch up on voting, but for now Iā€™ve just listed one

Jane x

Welcome Jane. Voting up to date and listed one. Pauline x

1 Like

Listed and votedā€¦

Chris x

Voted and listed


Just completed more voting. I hope to be opening my shop again soon. Marg. x

Voted and listed

Listed and off to continue with my voting catch up

Jane x

Listed and voted :smile:

Gorgeous items everyone. All voted to here. My listing for today is here:

Jacqueline x

Listed thisā€¦

and votedā€¦

Chris x

All voted to here
Donna x

Have voted to here and listed 2

Gill x

Posted and voted

Jacqueline x

Voted to here


morning all voted and listed

Voting completed and listed one. Pauline x