Craftjuice May 2015

Voted up to date, and listed this:

That picture error on FB is annoying. Can we all report it to craftjuice helpdesk and hope they put some priority onto fixing it.

I have voted and listed

Listed one and voted.

The Facebook image error is due to facebook :frowning: not cj …

I have a work around for it but will wait another day for facebook to fix it…


At last I’ve got round to listing some new things on Folksy. Here’s one…

Going to vote now…

Chris x

here’s mine -

I have listed afew and voted.

Here’s a. New listing

I have voted to here :smile:

Listed one and now going to catch up with the voting.

Voted to here :smile:


Not been on for ages, anyway have posted a few and now working my way back to vote for you all x

Listed and voted :slight_smile:

Good moring all lovely items for everyone once again.

I’ve voted up to here and listed.

I have voted and listed

I had plans for May which have been totally scuppered by events outside my control :frowning: I have voted for you all up to here and hope you are having a lovely productive month.

Forgot to post this the other day