Customer Has Been Asked Twice To Leave A Review

Hi SallyAnn…me too I love to receive feedback for my items and always leave it when I buy handmade.
I too was on the other side and did have the same issues when I couldn’t leave feedback until a later date. I always do it straight away when I receive a parcel and had completely forgotten about that so perhaps that idea I had earlier wasn’t such a good one :grinning::grin:.I suppose if there was an option to opt in or out it would be perfect all round and suit all sellers. I was surprised that a buyer would complain at getting the email request. From a purely personal point of view I think it is a good idea sending a reminder but everyone has their own views on it.


We all have sieve brains :joy::grin::grinning: I tend to do it straight away when i unpack the order then I know I have done it…if I didn’t a reminder would be a good prompt :smiley:


I think an automated email prompting for feedback is pretty standard these days though I agree it’s annoying to receive this before you get your purchase - I’ve had several from Amazon way too early and don’t think they tie into individual seller timescales.

Might be better to allow e.g. 10 days for an item to arrive as this allows for a slight delay, then word the email to say something like ‘we hope your purchase arrived safely and you love it’ then tell they how they can leave feedback via the link and also tell them to get in touch with the seller if there are any issues or it hasn’t arrived. This way focus would firstly be on making sure they got it ok.

I know some people email their customers thanking them for feedback - I’ve never done this as the message would come from my personal email and thought that might seem a bit weird for the customer, but I maybe should.

There is some sort of delay before the email is sent on Folksy, although I’m not sure exactly how long it is… in the past I’ve found the timing for this fine and it’s arrived after items have, but I expect with the current postal delays it doesn’t always arrive at the right time anymore.

I agree no one wants to be hassled to leave a review.

If I am thinking about placing an order, I will look at the reviews first.
I have had a shop on Folksy for quite a while - But didn’t give it my full attention .
Now I am starting again and realise that when , you have worked hard to make your creations (with love ,time, patience) you want that love of your work to be felt by the person opening that box.
Also - going that little bit extra to answer any quieries should work well in favour for the sellers.

I think most of us would not feel comfortable asking for a review, and so im happy that the request comes from Folksy. I see it as a positive thing. The customer still has a choice wether to or not. I would not like multiple reminders though, just the one. I rarely get a review unless its a lovely Folksy seller as we all know how much it means. I also over worry about things so it puts my mind at ease.
As a buyer im also happy to receive a reminder as it makes it easier. If I wasnt happy for whatever reason I wouldnt leave a review.

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