Facebook - can we help each other out?

Thank you Sarah. :blush:

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Thank you!


Morning all, hope you’re all having a good weekend so far! I think it’s taking me a while to figure out the best way to do these shout outs! Just done one for @OrukiDesign.

Cheers Lou


Morning. Thanks for the shout Lou @WhimsicalBells! I’ve just done one for Helen @Lellibellecards
Next week it’ll be Heather @heatherandhome

Would just like to apologise to anyone who has shouted me but I haven’t responded to! I’ve been trying to sort the notifications out in FB as some of your shouts I’ve only found by going onto your page when you’ve given me a heads up on here!! I understand that some individual accounts will have all the privacy settings on, so if they share a post I can’t see it. But surely if another business page mentions me then I should be able to see it?! Such a pain - does anyone else get this problem or have I ticked a box somewhere in my settings to make FB helpfully hide things from me?! :rofl:


You’re welcome :blush:. I’ve no idea what FB does sometimes! I’ve just check my settings and all page posts are public so should tell you when you’re tagged as far as I’m aware. :woman_shrugging:


Thank you so much Dee @OrukiDesign x

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Would love to join in with this, what a great idea. Always happy to return likes and love on Facebook :blush:


Hi everyone, here’s my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FrancescasWords/

Will work my way to liking everyone else’s!

For those of you struggling with FB page engagement (okay so all of us haha), I found this quite helpful: https://blog.hootsuite.com/facebook-algorithm/


I’ve just done your shoutout Sharon @TreetopArt :slight_smile: - next one on my list for later this week is you Kim @konyskiw!

Welcome to the party @FozbomProductions & @francescaburke! x


Thanks for the lovely shout out Sarah :star_struck:


I’ve been a bit slow getting through everyone, but I’ve just done a shout out for @onesweetiepea.


Apologies, I completely missed doing my shout out on Sunday, will get to it this weekend hopefully!

I’m still having trouble with notifications - the app just doesn’t show me mentions or even comments, I have to log in on the laptop & go into the various tabs. I’ve checked & everything is set to send notifications - anyone else had a similar issue? It’s so annoying as I always try & get back to people asap & thank people for shares but keep missing stuff. I’m never going to get that blue tick :rofl:

I also wanted to ask - does anyone know if it makes a difference whether you follow a page from your business account vs. personal? I’ve noticed that I now have a separate timeline for my page, so was debating going & following everyone from my page, rather than my personal account. My news feed is pretty much all crafts, which is lovely, but I keep missing out on posts from friends!

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Morning all :slight_smile: - I’ve just done a shout out for @konyskiw this morning… and next on my list for next week is @onesweetiepea

Not sure what to suggest about your notifications Dee, it’s very weird isn’t it? If anything, I’d say I get too many notifications on my page - I get them as notifications AND in my FB inbox! Sorry, not sure what to suggest really other than what you’ve already done!

I think (I may be wrong) but when you like a page from a business page it doesn’t show up in the number of likes that page has… generally speaking though, if you don’t interact with a page after liking it from your personal account it will drop from your newsfeed eventually anyway as FB prioritise your feed based on your interaction.

Have a great weekend everyone, catch up again next week! x


Thanks Sarah. It’s a real pain!! But then that’s FB all over :rofl:
I’ll have a think about follows then, don’t want to go messing up the algorithms!!

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Apologies for the delay in responding - I’ve not been very active lately. Many thanks to @ChrisStoneArtist and @TreetopArt for the shout outs. :heart: It is much appreciated! I will return the favour but might wait until next Friday when there should be more facebook ‘footfall’.

@OrukiDesign - everything you questioned about notifications & pages etc., confuses me too! Every so often it indicates I have something in my inbox but when I look, there is no message. I was so paranoid about missing an important message that I turned off direct messages (I think!) & have a pinned post saying contact me via Folksy! Part of my training from a long, long time ago was considering human interaction with computers &, to me, Facebook is a great example of how it should not be designed! :woozy_face:


I think I may have accidently been doing this! I have been randomly sharing an item from someone else’s shop on facebook. A couple of days ago I shared Kim @konyskiw little green dragon. Because I have an (ir)rational fear / dislike of social media, I tend to not understand what everyone is doing. So does what I am doing qualify me to be in this group Sarah @PhotoFairytales ? If it does then I will carry on & make sure that I share from people in here.


Thanks for the great shout out @PhotoFairytales, and for your share @ChrisOsbornJewellery :slight_smile:


Morning All,

Sorry I forgot to do my shout out yesterday on FB so have done it this morning for you @DaisyWings

Cheers Lou


Thank you so much :blossom: :blush: @WhimsicalBells

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You’re welcome :blush:

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