She is definitely that. We use going outside in the garden as an aide to make her get dressed in the morning!
Gorgeous colours. Mine are still tightly budded here in the cold north!
My boys used to go into the garden dressed in their pjs, followed by the dogs, letting the hens and ducks out all before I woke up and made breakfast. I used to have to convince them to change their clothes (and shower) so we could go into town looking somewhat respectable (and clean) not like the hillbillies they were.
That tulip is so pretty Tina @DaisyWings
We’ve been busy creating some makeshift planters today - I found some old CD racks down the kiln room, so we’ve lined them with clay bags and some old damp proof course. I’m going to drill some drainage holes in the bottom. Just waiting for my seeds now.
Anyone been out in the garden today? I’m still waiting for my seeds to arrive.
I have just popped a spring onion into a little tub of water on the windowsill as apparently the leafy part is supposed to grow back - I’ll let you know if this wizardry is really true or if someone online is having a joke!
I love gardening, although it is quite new to me. I have a small patio and this is the second year that I am trying to enjoy it. I managed to buy some spring flowers from a local garden centre before closing:
Also last summer we managed to get an allotment so this year we are starting to grow our own. It is trial and error but see how it goes. We planted some raspberries, onion and salad so far and we have some strawberries as well. I sow some tomatoes, pepper and chilli seeds and they are on my window sill at the moment to plant them later on. Here are the tomatoes:
Now I am off to read all your posts and I will be back regularly to check this thread .
I love your photos on Instagram, they are so inspirational :).
So pretty!
Great idea for the planters. My neighbour finds it hard to bend so he has his veg in tubs, window boxes for his salads and cherry toms, herbs and strawberries in hanging baskets.
Nice thread! I’m the general secretary for a local gardeners association (we’re all volunteers) and though our retail Hut is shut, I’m still arranging virtual online meetings for our comittee - not quite sure it’ll work but first agenda gone out today! So though I’m open for jewellery business, there’s not much action and being just the right time of year for isolation when you’ve got a garden, I’m having a brilliant time doing absolutely everything out there! It’s so nice to get a proper grip of my own planting for a change and not our club’s polytunnel. Here’s a photo of my new posh raised beds (how did we know this was all going to happen when we trudged around in mud in February putting them together?)
I saw a video today with ideas using recycled items for your planters and here are my tubes from the toilet rolls. No, I wasn’t panic buying, I promise ; it just happened to have collected them for a future project. I didn’t know at the time it was going to be planters but I was so happy I had them.
I always use toilet rolls for sweet peas, so I have lots saved as well @TeodoraPaintings . And the good thing is you don’t disturb the roots when you transplant you just plant the whole thing.
Seen a thread today about celery. Apparently you can pop the root into water and when taken root grown on and you can replant it for new celery.
Hi everyone,
Good to see everyone busy. We’ve been power washing block paving etc this weekend, still more to do at some point. Also needed to re-pot some of my plants that had outgrown their pots. Pleased to see that more tulips have opened over the weekend.
I used to do this but the dog now nabs them all and I’ve had to go back to using bought modules again!
I have just moved house and wondered just how I was going to find the time to tame the rather neglected, overgrown space you can’t really call it a garden yet. But I seem to have rather a lot of time and the weather is being kind. I love gardening but my last garden which was a lot bigger had lots of beds that needed a lot of tender care so I hoping to make this garden so it requires a little less maintenance and I would like it to be more natural maybe wildflowers and try to create a natural habitat for insects and birds, I’d love some ideas , I’ve had to take down the 3 apple trees as it was only the ivy holding them up so any recommendations for trees that won’t get too big or have horrendous root systems ( it will be planted well away from the house) I’m on day 4 of clearing and have already filled 6 builders bags so that will give you an idea of what I’m up against.
Hi @reladesigns, you could try a Rowan or a crab apple. Both are small trees which have blossom in the spring for the bees & the berries in the autumn which the birds love.
Hi Chris
I bought a pot of sweet peas which are about 5 inches tall and about 6 in the pot. If you grow sweet peas regularly maybe you can tell me whether to split them into individual pots and then transplant, put them altogether in a deeper pot or spread them out into a window box kind of pot … indecisive or what?!!