Gardening chat

Agree but not the ornamental cherry tree - the roots travel a long way, just under the surface - plays havoc with paving, fence panels and foundations!

I still havenā€™t sown my lettuce seeds etc - is it best to do it in the evening when the sun is not directly on the garden?

Does anyone have tips to stop the squirrels digging up tulips? :roll_eyes: Mine are just budding and every morning at the moment another hole appears with a clump of stems beside it :grimacing:

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Have you tried covering them in chicken wire Aneeya @aneeya? Might be a bit difficult to get some at the moment though. You just place a piece on the surface and peg it down.

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Thanks Chris Iā€™ll have a root in the garage. Iā€™ll need to be careful to work round the stems and not snap any! :grimacing:

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Managed to hand weed and then fertilise the asparagus bed this year. Pleased to see the first few spears coming through. We have to put some mesh over to keep the cats off.


Yes, Aneeya, it is best to do it before they start to grow, good luck.

We have these too Carol they were in our garden when we moved in nearly 30 years ago. I believe theyā€™re ā€˜Snowflakesā€™, they are so beautiful arenā€™t they. :slight_smile:

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Great job :+1:

My tree peony is now in bloom, I have a new one with yellow flowers but not sure it will flower this year though.


They are indeed Tina @DaisyWings


My tomato and spring onion seedlings have started to sprout - Iā€™m stupidly excited about this! Iā€™ll take a photo later to show you!


Well done Sarah, it is exciting when the first signs of germination appear. I check my seed trays everyday, sometimes two or three times a day! It is a sense of achievement I think.


Whoop, well done Sarah - it is the best when they start to appear!! Iā€™ve scattered some poppy seeds that my Dad gave me & I keep peering into the borders to see where theyā€™re coming up - like you Chris @ChrisOsbornJewellery , itā€™s several times a day. I also have a clematis thatā€™s growing an inch or two a day & Iā€™m forever watching that too - my neighbours must think Iā€™m barmy!! :rofl: Not many gardeners round here - next door just had their entire garden concreted over :frowning: I take it as my duty to have as many plants as possible to make up for it!
Look forward to seeing your seedlings Sarah :grinning:


I look at my garden at least twice a day and it is amazing to see how things change. I have sown seeds this year, the first time in ages and I check the tray every time I go to the downstairs loo as they are on the windowsill but maybe you didnā€™t need to know that :smile:


Here are my little seedlings - tomato plants on the top two rows and spring onions below. Should I thin out the tomato plants yet (as there are 3 in some of the tubes) or should I wait a bit longer?


Well done Sarah, they look great .You thin seedlings out once they have a pair of true leaves rather than the seed leaves that first come up.

A snail got into my greenhouse last night and Iā€™ve lost half of my penstemon seedlings :angry:
The snail is no more!

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Thanks Chris, I didnā€™t know that - Iā€™ll keep an eye out for their true leaves :slight_smile:
Iā€™ve always planted things but never from seed before, so this is quite amazing! Even Mr DP who has never shown any interest in the garden, is really enjoying it!

Sorry to hear about your penstemon seedlings :frowning:


Itā€™s probably bringing out the hunter / gatherer in him, Sarah!

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Hi everyone :slight_smile:

Just thought Iā€™d pop by with another flowery pic. The garden is really coming to life now, plenty of buds on the peonies and roses, so exciting.