Gift ideas for baby's first Christmas - suggestions please

We’re looking for suggestions for a new gift guide for a baby’s first Christmas. Please leave your suggestions with a link to the item below.

As always, we’re looking for the right products for the theme but also good product shots, so nice clear photos, that are in focus and fill the whole square crop without frames, special effects or large watermarks.

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Original art for a winter baby:

Or a colourful A-Z print to brighten up baby’s room:

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Baby Blanket


a gorgeous hanger for their first outfit

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a pretty new baby cardigan

I have some personalised star decorations…


An extra leaf can be added with baby’s name

We haven’t done a Baby’s 1st Christmas one yet, but this hanging angel Christmas decoration could be personalised :slight_smile:

Baby blanket

One of my handmade board books? I’ve got other designs too, including Christmas ones…

How about a “My First Christmas” commemorative print? Can be put into a scrapbook after the big day!

A personalised memory box :blush:

I have this outfit in my shop ~

Bows like these would look so cute on a baby for that first Xmas photo!