Greenfingered plans for the year

I brought some microgreens today, grows like cress on the windowsill and I’m hoping it livens up my salads. I cannot find charlotte seed potatoes for love nor money at the moment - can anyone recommend an alternative? I have one packet but I really wanted a second. Four garden centres later and no joy :frowning:

I’ve checked all my online sources for salad potatoes and they are all sold out so you might be a bit late for buying seed potatoes. If your local garden centre has them pink fir apple or anya are good salad potatoes.

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Spoke too soon look what I found online

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Awesome thanks!

I am on it today! Took on the yukka which has attacked me everytime I enter my garden, today I did the attacking and halved the size of it. Take that you stabby evil git! Whilst I love the plant whoever put it next to the door clearly had no idea how big it would get.


The auto-opener was installed last weekend. And today I’ve picked up my growbags, tomato plants, cucumber plant, spring onions, and lambs lettuce.

4 of my 5 chillies are coming on really well, the 5th is a no-show.

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Up here in the frozen north I am just thinking about my gardening, even though there’s snow on the hills and a frost forecast tonight.
My “front” garden is flower beds, full of bulbs that look after themselves, and lots of roses (of course!).I may add a few bedding plants in late summer.
My “back” garden is a concreted yard, home to washing line and wheelie bins. Everything I grow here has to be in tubs and containers.

I saw a weather forecast this morning with photos of snow up north and it has rather delayed things here down south. Thankfully all my babies are still indoors away from any potential frosts but I fear for the plum and pear blossom which is out as if that gets hit by a frost it could ruin the chances of getting a decent crop. We arethinking about getting a rose or two to go down the allotment that would be for cutting so if you have any suggestions (ideally scented) I’d love to hear them.

I would recommend looking at David Austin roses. They have a very good search section, so you can find e.g. roses that grow in the shade.
I was given “Munstead Wood” for my birthday, which is dark red with a lovely fragrance.

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