July Lions Daily Listing Challenge Thread! 1st to 31st July!

Happy Friday Lions! Hoping for lots more sunny sales today :slight_smile:
This is relisted today, hopefully I will have some time to list some new things today for showcasing!


Oh wow, well done Shirley @WhimsyWooDesigns, that’s brilliant - congratulations :slight_smile: xxxxxx

Morning Lions

Is anyone else getting excited about the forthcoming Tour De France? I know I am. Its only over the border in Sunny Yorkshire - will be watching on TV this weekend :smile:

Also, do any of the sewing Lions have any very easy beginner quilt patterns, online tutorials, blogs etc they could recommend, as I fancy making my own quilt at some point to try and use up the fabric mountain I have? I don’t want anything too complicated and would just be doing it in my spare time!!! so the easier the better - thank you :smiley:

Anyway, today I have a glasses case (slightly larger in size) to accommodate sunglasses as well.


Will catch up later folks

Jane xxx

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Morning Lions , will have a catch up shortly - Folksy seems to be behaving this morning…so far.

Roz your daughter looks lovely, hope she enjoyed the night.


Morning Lions,

My listing for today.

Have an awesome day!
Annelee xx


Thanks for all the congrats peeps. :blush:

I hope the teenagers had good prom nights.

Yes Jane @jazzyjane1 I will certainly be watching the Tour de Yorkshire followed by the Tour de France over the next 2/3 weeks. I absolutely love it and the scenery when watching it on the TV is great.
Did think about going in the Motorhome over to Yorkshire until I found out what the campsites are charging! No wild camping on the side of the road over here like they do in France.
Seriously thinking about going over the France next year to watch a few stages and especially if Wiggo gets back in a team.
Shirley x


Another card from me, good morning everyone.

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Why has that not appeared properly? Second attempt:

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Hi Jane, was just wondering how long the honey healer lasts once it’s open. Would love to try something like this but does it lose it’s efficacy over time? Bx

Think it did appear properly - I can see it twice anyhow. Lovely sparkly card!

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Phew finally caught up from yesterdays… I’ll be back later with my listing for today!

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Morning Lions, very cloudy day looks like rain on its way…Hope it doesn’t affect Wimbledon!!

Congrats on your sales @WhimsyWooDesigns and how beautiful/handsome the prommers are @NOfkantsCurios and @Rozcraftz

Carol xx

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Good Morning Lions :cat: I can’t believe it’s friday again already! Where does the time go?

@Lizzyanthus and @annysgifts thank you for the lovely comments about my latest soap :smile: I hadn’t thought about it as art in soap Annelee, that would be a great name for a shop!
@karenscraftybitz Your work never ceases to amaze me, how on earth do you manage all the fine detail?
@NOfkantsCurios and @Rozcraftz The prom photo’s are great, they must make you so proud :smile:

I only have a quick relist this morning, but will hopefully be back with a proper listing later this afternoon.


Donna x


Here’s mine for today

Hope you like them!

Lovely prom pics by the way. I can’t imagine my two being that grown up but I guess the time will fly. So, as they’re off school on inset (or insect day as they call it) I’m off to spend some time with them. :smile: See you all later.


Happy Friday Lions :smile:

Where do the weeks go? Hubs has been at his new job for four weeks now! It’s doesn’t seem that long ago I was telling you he had got the job.

My plus account runs out next Friday but unless I get a flurry of sales to fund it I won’t be renewing.

I am surprised this hasn’t sold as I think it is beautiful (even though I do say so myself) and it is cheaply priced for the amount of work involved. Sometimes don’t you find that your ‘guaranteed sale’ items sit around for a while and other items you’re maybe not so sure of sale quite quickly?

Carol x


Hiya all,

Hope all is well!

Roz @Rozcraftz your daughter is stunning! Lovely dress!!
As Sue @BeadstormJewellery mentioned, CBT is one of the next steps GP’s often suggest… ( eventually ) and I have had this treatment on a few occasions and still see my CBT nurse once every few weeks. The way they explain and give you an understanding of how anxiety works and it’s effects, is worth it’s weight in gold !

Here’s mine today, which I’ve just spotted on the fp oooo!!

Back later to pin and catch up. Steph xx

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Lovely pics from very proud parents
A little set from me today
Valerie x


Forgot to mention Natalie @NOfkantsCurios three sales to add please – two for stationery and one for supply :smiley: thank you x

If all else fails with the anxiety, there’s always Prozac, it gave me my life back after I was really ill the first half of last year. I was throwing up regularly from pure panic and life was pretty much constant torment. I had some sessions with a counsellor that helped, but it was after I started Prozac in desperation that I got better. I was dead against medication but didn’t know what else to do. I’m not brave enough to try to do without it yet, but at the moment I’m well and happy and want to stay that way :smile:


Hi all, here’s our listings for today:
