Launching Folksy's New Search Experience

Thanks for explaining. But with the old search, I had stained glass in the titles and I still only came up on the 5th or 6th page! With the new search this has changed entirely and I’m showing up at the front of the search along with many others who hadn’t before.

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It’s good to see the search improved, but…

please would it be possible for the Folksy Tech Team to give us some simple guidance as to the priorities of the current search algorithm preferences eg when user inputs a search for ‘bowl’…

1st priority. Bowl mentioned in title
2nd. Bowl mentioned in tags
3rd. Bowl mentioned in description
4th. Number of times bowl mentioned in 1, 2 or 3
5th. Bowl mentioned as part of word eg bowls or bowled form.
6th. Most recent shop listings with the word bowl
7th. Number of items per shop with the word bowl ie if your shop only sold bowls it would be listed ahead of a shop that only had one bowl.

Additionally, I confess I don’t know what the reference to something being in ‘beta’ status means or where the feedback button is - is it on this forum or on Folksy itself?

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The feedback button is on the top, right hand side of the page when you do a search.

Thanks Kim.

The new search experience is a definite improvement. Just seems a little hard to get back to the Folksy`s home page.

I just click on the ‘Folksy’ logo top left corner of the search page, but it does mean schrolling back to the top of all the results.

@JudyAdams Beta is a stage of testing, it basically means it’s almost done, but it’s expected there still might be some glitches and bugs that need fixing, and this stage of real user testing helps discover those. Fixes to these are then put in before the final release.

You might notice it when downloading software or apps, that you can choose between a beta version (which will have more features but might have unexpected problems) or a stable release (which has already gone through this testing and the fixes).

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Thanks so much for that explanation! It all makes sense now.

(needed a day away from the computer so sorry for the late reply)

Relisting made no change to where I see your items in the results.

So for that particular search I’m not seeing the pattern in how the search results are ranked - everything in the results are relevant to the search but items which don’t have the search term in the title or description (only in the tags) are featuring higher than items with the search term in the title and description (and tags). My thoughts are… given the number of results for that particular search don’t worry about it and focus on performing well in longer key word searches (eg embroidery hanging decorations, fabric hanging decorations).


Thanks for your help Sasha, much appreciated. I’m away for a few days and will tinker with my shop, that’s if it works being in holiday mode. The same thing happened with my bookmarks, I just wonder if people search in the plural! And it seems that it may all change again at the end of August as well.

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I have done a couple of searches and the results look good. I know you can filter the price which is great but when the results come up is it possible to then sort them by price High to Low and Price Low to High. I do a lot of shopping online and when I am looking for something prefer to see items listed this way rather than randomly. Unless that option is there and I am not seeing it? Have sent some feedback also


Hi Judy. As I understand it, we will be releasing a guide to how the new search works to help sellers optimise their listings but it will be after the test period has finished at the end of August, when we’ve finished tweaking it based on results and feedback :slight_smile:


@folksycontent Thanks for that. I look forward to seeing the guide!

It’s really so much better :+1:. If I search for something in my shop. It highlights the search words. So really pleased.

The search is certainly working better now than it was :+1:

Just a question though:
We used to be able to search for a shop by toggling between items and shops in the search box. It was never ideal, as it wasn’t obvious to anyone that didn’t already know that you could do it. However, I can’t see the option to do that any more. Am I missing something - is there still a way to search for shops?

I’ve found that the new search will pick up shop names when you put them in the standard search box. The first result (top left) when I type in ‘pocketful’ is to your shop, the result of the results are for items in your shop.

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Just tried the same with my name (got as far as Sasha) and it’s given me a hair band, plant holder and ragdoll all called ‘Sasha’ and then 3 shops (Sasha Garrett, Sasha Stowe and Sasha Jane)

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Thanks Sasha. I had tried that and it didn’t work, but I now realise I had the shop name wrong :see_no_evil: :rofl:

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Very disappointed with the way the new search algorithm has been coded.

It returns listings in the order in which the search string has been typed in. I’ve tested this and my listings will not show unless the start of the search is exactly the way my items are titled from the first word. Obviously, customers will not know how my items are titled, so will never find my listings.

With nearly 1100 listings, it will take me a very long time to completely reword every single one so that they have a chance of being returned in the search.

Very, very disappointing.

Thanks Folksy. I am enoying the new search experience and so far it hasn’t failed me.

@PoppyKayDesigns not sure what problem you are having but I just typed in the same three word search term but differently ordered and it picked up my owl whichever way I ordered my search. Whether ‘Owl Stained Glass’ (the order in my title) or ‘Stained Glass Owl’. Picked it up either way :slight_smile:

I am extremely happy with my new search experience and sure my customers will be too.