Hi, I used Twitter a little while ago and have now updated it all and ready to go. Sadly I only have a few people to follow and not many following me. Would anyone like me to follow them?
I would be happy to get a bit more going on in my newsfeed to do with crafts etc… so just let me know your details and I will.
My twitter is
https://twitter.com/kernowclaire1 if anyone would like to follow me? or @kernowclaire1
I’ll look for you now- I’m @curiousseagull1
Thanks very much.
Following you. Im @silenttheatre1
Lookking and will follow heres mine https://twitter.com/jscarddesigns
Hi, just followed you, I’m @Daisywings2 see you on Twitter!
Followed you! @RhiannonRoseJ
I have followed…I am https://twitter.com/LynnroseDesign xx
Thanks so much, I am following all of you now and seen so many lovely items x
Following from https://twitter.com/knittingtopia
Just followed you. https://twitter.com/AIsonArt
following https://twitter.com/TobisiaLilThing
thanks very much, am now following you all back x
Just followed you https://twitter.com/Suzzlescraft
I’m another newby Twitterer, I’m all on my owneo, I’m going to go through this thread add ya all. I’d love you to pop over and make my little corner a little less lonesome.
Just followed you. https://twitter.com/ribbonquarter
Hi @HandcraftedbyPicto & @TheRibbonQuarter just found you both and followed you on Twitter, happy tweeting