November-weekly-listings-and-promotions- 23rd - 29th November

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this is how it looked outside this morning…

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Brooch for Christmas?

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Hello all

I’ve pinned up to here and here’s my new Christmas themed item

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Hiya everyone!
I’m all caught up know and pinned,loved to this point.
Hope you are all ok?
Weather here is awful, very miserable:(
Here’s mine today


Pop back later, take care, Steph xx

Hello everyone. It’s a miserable day here as well!
I have caught up with pinning. Here is my listing for today, a cute elephant on a purse.


Listed yesterday, hope you like : ) xx

Morning all!
Hope all is well

Eileen @EileensCraftStudio I left my thoughts on that thread!! Can’t believe it!!

Here’s mine today

Back later on Steph xx

sorry for being a bit behind but caught up with pinning so off to the new thread now :slight_smile:

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