this is how it looked outside this morning…
Brooch for Christmas?
Hello all
I’ve pinned up to here and here’s my new Christmas themed item
Hiya everyone!
I’m all caught up know and pinned,loved to this point.
Hope you are all ok?
Weather here is awful, very miserable:(
Here’s mine today
Pop back later, take care, Steph xx
Hello everyone. It’s a miserable day here as well!
I have caught up with pinning. Here is my listing for today, a cute elephant on a purse.
Listed yesterday, hope you like : ) xx
Morning all!
Hope all is well
Eileen @EileensCraftStudio I left my thoughts on that thread!! Can’t believe it!!
Here’s mine today
Back later on Steph xx
sorry for being a bit behind but caught up with pinning so off to the new thread now