Welcome to the September / October weekly listings and promotions thread.
Everyone welcome – this is a special place to showcase your listings if you only list weekly or even monthly.
Please feel free to join in – don’t feel that you have to ask or wait to be invited.
The aim is to list an item (or more or less!) each week and post it on this thread. Once you have posted your picture link then please promote the person above you and any others you wish to, using Twitter, Pinterest, facebook etc. For each listing you make you promote at least one other.
Please say how you have promoted the person above with your listing post.
Hi Guys, just reopend my shop after a few years away and hoping to be a lot more proactive this time around but know I won’t manage a daily listing. What with work, family, dog, blah blah blah. Anyhoo here is todays listing. Hope you like it. I’ll head back now and check out everyone elses shops.
Sorry, busy day yesterday and I didn’t get back to add my first post of the week - these earrings.
I’ll pin all your,shared items to my Weekly Folksy board. Looking forward to seeing your work