Weekly Art Chat w/c 14th July ...... artists and everyone welcome

ha ha STephie…BOO !!

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You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Yes you are in a great spot - they will be sold in no time :slight_smile:

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Just listed this one to cool you all down.


Lovely fresh snow scene Brenda! Gorgeous sky and treeline…and snow and foreground…in fact it’s all beautiful.

I hope that most have you have seen the scam warning in the Art magazines. I know we are all aware about scams and telesales etc, but this one apparently is very plausible, so I hope you don’t mind if I type out here, the letter that was in Leisure painter magazine…
copied from a letter…from J Wood
"I have had a nasty experience and would like to warn other readers about it.
I was approached by a telephone salesgirl who persuaded me into spending money on magazine advertisements I did not want, which brought in no results at all. She sounded genuine and charming, claimed to admire my work , wanted to write an article about it , then said it deserved a front cover feature, and that it had won me a trophy. She talked to me over a few weeks, taking me through several stages, which I could not wriggle out of. The magazine is real, but its only effect was to impoverish me ruthlessly. Other advertisers I contacted had identical experiences with this and other newspapers. On the back of this, I was contacted by fraudulent publications demanding money with threats. I reported these to the fraud police but as to the genuine publications, all I can suggest is to act with very great caution.

So please be aware folks…it would be so easy to think that someone genuinely wanted to feature your artwork in a magazine and get carried away with a scam.

Yikes that does sound scary. I’d have put the phone down though if they started asking me for money and wouldn’t listen to me saying no thanks.

I’m loving that snow scene Brenda, just what I needed to see right now! :smile:

morning, sorry not been around much just got caught up between hospital and work, I’ve barely had a chance to sit down at the moment. Waving hi to everyone :wink:

Waves Max. I saw on the daily listers thread that your dad’s not good again, I do hope things improve for him soon.

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Morning Max, hope things settle down soon :slight_smile:

Morning Stephie :smile:

Hope you all have a good day, I’m out shopping first thing today but hope to get some painting time too :slight_smile:

Morning all, I do hope things improve soon for your Dad Max.

Morning Margaret :smile:

Just had my picture taken … Blush

To show how my new painting that I have just list looks size wise …


You look stunning Hazel, and the painting looks good too! :smile:

Morning all…sending healing vibes to your dad and his family Max. Nice pic Hazel.
I noticed that I have been granted |ab “reader” badge…I think that means “nosey!”…
Back in a while, just waiting for the gardener to come…he has a job on his hands…the nettles are over 6ft high !!

Good luck to your gardener Brenda! Apparently ‘reader’ badges are for those who have read every post in a thread with more than 50 posts. That’ll be all of us then :smile:

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ha ha Margaret, I did notice that most of us had a “reader’s” badge…lol
I just got confused (not difficult…lol) and posted my listing on the thread that Paul had started…
Here is my listing for today.

The gardener has already cut all the weeds…well done to him…I can see the field next door now !


Beautiful lake Brenda, very cooling on the hot and sultry day.

Thanks Margaret :slight_smile: I thought it might be a fun idea to hold it as I paint so many sizes this way it stands out as one if my larger pieces …

Lovely scene Brenda :slight_smile:

I’m a reader too now lol

We decided to take our niece out for lunch so been having a day off !!! It is really hot here today so sitting outside a country pub, had a lovely lunch and a pudding too - chocolate fudge cake … I don’t normally eat this much at lunch time but it was very nice, if a bit indulgent :-0

So no painting for me today now - way too hot for waxing :slight_smile:

Nice photo Hazel.
Congrats Stephie.
Hope your DVD comes soon Brenda, I expect they got swamped out with requests. They did say it could take up to 28 days. They didn’t ask for my address at first, I thought that was because the SAA have it. They did later so I think that’s why mine was slow.

Had a fab day at Art in Action yesterday. Lots of inspiration from lots of amazing work.
I had a lovely lunch there and the most yummy slice of apple tart in the afternoon. Lots of Pimms tents but I was driving back.

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Well it is 28 days now Tessa…all I wanted was for them to acknowledge my emails…but nothing…not good customer services is it? I was hoping to be able to watch it tomorrow (with my breakfast in bed…lol)
Glad you enjoyed art in Action…I used to go to a lot of these things when I lived in London…now I am in Wales, everything is so far away…never mind, I would still never want to swap back…sooooo beautiful here…lovely views of the sea and Devon across the channel…