What have you listed today SEPTEMBER 2014

I have a very pretty vintage rose coin purse with slip pocket


Jane x

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I listed this guy :slight_smile:

Ooops, silly me, I posted this on last months thread by mistake. I could be really dangerous if I had a brain.

Lynn x

I’ve listed this coffee-themed birthday card:

My crochet applique reindeer.

Rosalind x


These lovely Labradorite earrings today

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New listing to-day Jeanie

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a touch of winter today…

I’ve listed this wirework bangle today, after having it sat in it’s box on top of the printer for the last couple of months!


I have listed the first of my new range of pocket mirrors in a felt pouch

some new earrings

I have listed this new roll up knitting needle holder today

Lesley :smiley: