Anyone Interested in the November Daily Listing Challenge Thread

Yes it’s that time again, nearing the end of the month and time to reach out and see if anyone is interested in taking part in the daily listing thread for November 2016.

If you have not taken part in a daily listing challenge before and are wondering what it is all about or how it works, please pop across and visit the thread for Autumn Angels to see how we operate, but in simplistic terms:

The daily listing thread is a personal challenge to list an item a day for the month, it is a personal challenge, so no one will shout at you, or hound you off the thread if you miss a day here or there.
Once you have listed your item, you come to the thread for that particular day and tell us what you have listed, with a link to that item, so we can check it out too.
Visit the items of your fellow daily listers, i.e. actually click on the item in their shops, a simple way to show you are taking part and fellow club members really appreciate that you have stopped by!
Promote not just your own item, but fellow club members too, in whatever way you are able, by pinning, stumbling, FB linking, Blogging, Tweeting, whatever is in your remit of possibilities, in this way we all support and promote each other, and hopefully raise awareness of our crafts and of Folksy too, all of which has to be a good thing.

Please remember that although sales cannot be certain, additional promotion can be, which has to be a good thing!

Every month we think of a new unique name for the challenge, and to get the ball rolling I’ll suggest some names off the top of my head, but would really appreciate your name suggestions to add to the list, then we can all vote on our favourite name, the most popular one will then be adopted!

November Sparkles
November Embers
November Nightingales
November Ninjas

please do feel free to add your own, I always struggle with the names lol!

Yes please Maxine :smiley:

I’ll join in again but not promising I’ll manage everyday. November Ninjas sounds good :slight_smile:

Yea please! I like Ninjas or Nightingales the best.

Thanks Max for taking on the challenge of running the thread xx

Yes please Max love Ninjas.

Yes please Max @paperchainsandbeads - fingers crossed for a better month.

I might not be able to do much the first two weeks, but will pop in when I can. I have a lot of family birthdays in the first two weeks of November and I really need to start making Christmas cards for myself. :anguished:

Could we join in please?

Oh Yes please

It is likely we will be moving then so will be intermittent. Not sure how quickly we will get internet/time etc

Carol xx

Yes please, I like the idea of being a crafting ninja! LOL!

Natalie x

I am going to have to bail out of a November challenge, I am still recovering from listing something new every day in September!! I tried to do October and failed miserably !!
But I will still pop by and ‘love’ the things that make me smile.
Suzzie x


Marvelous, Ninjas are in the lead :slight_smile:

Suzzie @thistledownandHOPE you could always add a few re-lists in no one will mind :slight_smile:

Thank you Maxine @paperchainsandbeads I may well do that, I just feel that I should include a few new items as well. I have a few days to get the creative juices flowing, and fingers warmed up… I wont promise, but I will have a go
Suzzie x

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Count me in - I am about to make a big batch of cards and other gifts so should be able to list something new almost (!) every day xx

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Yes please…count me in …of course my choice would be November sparkles…lol

I think this is a fab idea & great for me whilst I’m still getting all my products listed! I’d like to give it a go for a long as I can, although I have a baby due on the 28th so may have to take a little break when he shows up! So until then I shall try my best - and it would be great to finally have a full shop xx

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Count me in please Maxie, its about time i started getting myself together. Great challenge for myself :slight_smile:
My Choice would be November Sparkles
Looking forward to it. :slight_smile: x

I’d like to try to join in - I’ll certainly be OK for the first week but but who knows what will happen when the guide dog puppy arrives on the 8th (assuming she passes her confidence test).

I like Ninjas best.

Thanks, I’m in. :hugs: Xx

i’m in :slight_smile: