2015 diets (sorry)

I’m feeling really naughty right now having just scoffed treacle sponge and custard… :blush:


It will be interesting to revisit this thread in a week or so and see if any of us have lost any weight. Anyone up for the challenge of a weigh in next Thursday? :smile:

I’m up for a weigh in, might help me stick to it … won’t be posting my starting weight but happy to post loss/gain!

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Absolutely Roz, no need for anyone to mention starting weight, just (hopefully) how much we’ve lost. Might be an incentive to try harder!

I’m up for posting next Thursday. I don’t want to join a diet club, in fact I don’t want to diet as such, just eat less, so support from the lovely people on the forum would be great. I have a lot to shift - if you asked a doctor they’d probably say between 6 and 7 stone, but that is far too much for me to think about right now, so I’m setting my first goal at just 6lbs and we’ll take it from there in small chunks.


Definitely count me in. I have the willpower of a gnat hence the reason I have so many goals this year so anything that’s keeps me going or is an incentive will help. I have absolutely nothing interesting to eat my house because unfortunately I can’t have one biscuit or one square of chocolate… I have to eat the whole packet or bar of chocolate so I can’t have anything at all in the house. I have got so desperate at times for something sweet I have eaten a spoonful of jam !!!

Liz, an old doctor of mine looked up my weight and height on her chart and mumbled something about 6 stone … then looked at me and said “we’d have to take a leg off!” and I remember reading that Johnny Wilkinson (rugby player and supremely fit) had a BMI of around 32 which made him clinically obese.

My current doctor says exercise little and often, and reduce portion sizes even if you can’t cut out all the bad stuff.

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Morning, I’m in too. I’m aiming to lose 21lb by August, I want to be a dress size smaller by my 50th so plenty of time. My plan is to eat less and move more, that’s it, no diet as such but I’ll be swapping lunch time sandwiches and crisps for soup and salad and chocolate for fruit and nuts, I don’t drink much so that’s not a problem. I’ll also be doing some sort of exercise for at least half an hour a day, my job is pretty much office based so I’m sat at a computer all day which does not help, though I walk a mile most days back and forth between home, bus and work so that’s something at least.

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I agree it’s best not to ‘diet’ as such. If you stop dieting and go back to your old eating habits you’ll only put the weight back on. It’s best to eat less and move more as Max says and try to aim for permanent lifestyle change rather than a temporary diet :slight_smile:

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I worked out I ate 300+ on 4 biscuits yesterday!! Shame on me. Biscuits are in the bin.
Admittedly i still have junk food available but will only last a couple of days more, then its cold turkey(which would probably healp me lose weight if I ate that)
Anyhoo, tv isnt going on until lunch, then Columbo at 4ish so I shall move about alot inbetween those times.

Il be up for a weigh in next Thursday,I doubt il have lost anything, but itl help coming here and being amongst others tryers.

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It is really hard to lose weight. I gave up alcohol because I am an alcoholic and have stayed off it for 13 years now and I keep wondering how can I do something like that all on my own and yet I can’t lose weight? Yesterday, my daughter made a grand show of binning all the left over mince pies (2 dozen) - I did wince a bit, but it had to be done. I must admit that I had to have a nibble a little while ago and found that dry bite-size apricot shredded wheat taste better than I would have thought possible. Fingers crossed for all of us.


If anyone has any left over mince pies/biscuits/cake you want to get rid of, you could always put them out for the birds, then they’re not wasted. Might help you feel they’re being used up by something that needs them rather than binning them?

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Good luck with all your goals ladies.
I don’t do extreme diets in January, because coming in from rain, wind, or snow and being faced with a lettuce leaf is destined to fail from the start. But going back to healthy eating I can do.

My plan is (a) no booze. I don’t normally drink much, but at Christmas there is a lot more around. Then (b) no roasties or chips, which have featured way too many times in the last month. Finally © I’ve got a freezer full of lovely fruit picked in the summer just waiting to become delicious guilt-free desserts.

I’ve no idea how long it will take to get rid of the blobbiness, but I know I can stick to this whatever the weather.

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Reading with interest as I too have reached the point where something really needs to be done.

Haven’t braved the scales in years…will have to pluck up courage.

I was silly enough to weigh myself this morning. I haven’t lost anything yet! lol

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I threw a half full bag of crisps in the bin this morning! Yay me!! Sadly I didnt lose any weight doing it but they are at least 1 less temptation. I have 1 choccy bar left to devour.


Not a good day today - took my daughter back to uni and went out for lunch…just couldn’t resist!

I’ve not done too badly today, I did succumb to a bag of Quavers left over from Christmas but that’s only 88 calories so not too bad!

Next week might be more of a challenge as it’s Dad’s 92nd birthday next Friday. I’m taking him out for tea and cake on Tuesday, I’ll have carrot cake so that’s one of my five a day!lol I normally share a trifle with him on celebratory days but I’ve told him he’ll have to eat this one all by himself :frowning:


But you know that tea and cake is going to happen, so be good for the rest of the day (fruit and yoghurt for breakfast, and a jacket potatoe with maybe cottage cheese for dinner). Also, maybe go for a swim or a brisk walk in the morning.

Now, if I could only take my own advice…


I tried a carton of mango juice yesterday, noticed when Id nealry finished it that it was about 150 calories worth!!