(Christine Shephard)
The Garden Show at Stansted Park is on this coming weekend, Friday-Sunday 5-7 June. It’s the 21st year it’s been held, and is always very busy.
I’ll be in the Art & Design marquee with my textiles - if anyone is planning a visit or selling there, drop by and say hello.
Oooh I usually go and sell here @ciesse but am having a year off. Not sure if I am going to make it this year but if I do I will come & see you!
I always do well at Stansted!!! - have a great show!
(Christine Shephard)
Was that a deliberate typo @dottiedesigns, or the dreaded predictive text taking over?
Yes, do come and say ‘hi’ if you visit this year, it would be lovely to see you
Lol!!! Have changed it! What a bad auto correct!! Only just realised today my PC had been converting Etsy to Easy in emails lol!
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