Anyone interested in an October Daily Listing Challenge thread?

Thank you, Faith! Nice to see you too. :smiley:

Thank you everyone, Optimists is in the lead, with a vote for Haunts and Spooks!

Natalie x

Optimists sounds good .
I am away for part of the month but I will try to list
Valerie x

Hi Natalie,
Optimists gets my thumbs up :slight_smile:

Defo looks like we will be Optimistic in October!

Natalie x

Yes, count me in again please Natalie @NOfkantsCurios. I am going to start listing my Christmas cards tomorrow.
I quite like October Optimists.

Jeanie x

posted to the wrong thread.

I’ll be joining in for October.

One question - do they have to be completely new listings or can we use any listing from our shop? My shop is new but I’ve been been adding listings in chunks and not sure if I have enough left to do one a day during October!

Hi Kim, the idea is that you challenge yourself to list something each day, or of course if something has expired, you could have a relist that day, there is nothing stopping you listing more than one thing a day, but ideally it is daily listing, however, if you miss a day, we will not hound you out of the thread, life after all does get in the way on occasion.

Hope that helps,
Natalie x

Hi Natalie, We’d love to have a go this October and love October Optimists…

Lizzy & Chryssi

Thanks Natalie! I have plenty of things I can relist so will use them :slight_smile: