Anyone interested on a September Daily Listing Challenge Thread?

Its come to that time again for me to reach out and see if anyone is interested in taking part in the challenge of a daily listing club for September 2014.

If you have not taken part in a daily listing club before and are wondering what it is all about or how it works, please pop across and visit the Club for August, and see how we operate, but in simplistic terms:

  1. The daily listing is a personal challenge to list an item a day for the month, it is a personal challenge, so no one will shout at you, or hound you out of the club if you miss a day here of there.

  2. Once you have listed your item, you come to the thread for that particular day and tell us what you have listed, with a link to that item, so we can check it out too.

  3. Visit the items of your fellow club members, actually go and check out the item in their shops, a simple way to show you are taking part and fellow club members really appreciate that you have stopped by!

  4. Promote not just your own item, but fellow club members too, in what ever way you are able, by pinning, stumbling, FB linking, Blogging, Tweeting, whatever is in your remit of possibilities, in this way we all support and promote each other, and hopefully raise awareness of our crafts and of Folksy too, all of which has to be a good thing.

Please remember that although sales cannot be certain, additional promotion can be, which has to be a good thing!

Every month we think of a new unique name for the club, and to get the ball rolling I’ll suggest some names off the top of my head, but would really appreciate your name suggestions to add to the list, then we can all vote on our Fave name, the most popular one will then be adopted!

September Name suggestions:

September Stunners
September Stellars
September Stars
September Virgo’s
September Sapphires
September Asters
September Soldiers
September Sizzlers

Okay, you can probably guess I was getting a bit stuck on titles, any help and name suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Looking forward to seeing who would like to be involved.

Natalie x

I’ll be there Natalie, I like September Stunners :wink:
Donna x

Hi Natalie.

I would love to join in again. Once the school term starts I may have more chance of making a listing each day.
I like September Stars :grinning::grinning:

Karen :sunny::sunny:

being a ‘little’ bit obsessed with gemstones I like September Saphires :slight_smile: Now I’m about organised and better placed for helping promote everyone I cant wait to start a new month

Yes please, hopefully September will be a bit more crafty than August once girls back at school/ uni. I like September stars!

Thanks everyone! Keep the votes coming in, I’ll let everyone know how the name vote goes as we approach time to decide on a name!

Natalie x

I’m in again.

September soldiers because I feel like I’m just soldiering on :smile: I like stars.

Carol x

Yes please!
I like September sapphires , hopefully in September the sales fairy might come out of hiding more!!
Steph x

Yes please - hoping to be with you all - Maureen

Count me in again please Natalie - I like Stars or Sapphires.

Thank you Carol for your name suggestion, which I have added to the list!

I am the daughter of an army daddy, so soldiers is very apt, especially as we soldier through each month!!

Thank you everyone else for your votes too! sapphires and stars in the lead at. The moment!

Natalie s

I would like to join in - can I suggest September Sizzlers

Jacqueline x

Hello everyone! I’ve missed you all but the summer has been madly busy for me… I’d love to join in this month as I have lots of things I need to be listing. Hoping I can keep up with the thread as it seems to get rather big these days!

I’d vote for Sapphires.

Hope to catch up properly with everyone in a few days.
Jane xx

Hi Natalie,

Yes please! love all the names but like Carols soldiers !!!

Will be on hols for over a week so will be missing for a little while

BIG thanks for all your hard work, much appreciated.

Carol xx

Yes please count me in again.
I like September Stars

Thanks for all your time and happy dancing for us Natalie @NOfkantsCurios!

Thank you for your interest and e name suggestions!

At the moment Sapphires and Stars are in the lead for the most popular name, but keep the votes coming in, still time for that to change!

Natalie x

Count me in please.I really must renew my Plus account
Sapphires or stars sound nice
Valerie x

I have just listed an item for August and gone straight back to the feed to see if there is going to be something for September as I really need motivating!! I would love to be involved but probably won’t be daily, I hope that is ok x

Add me to the list, I don’t mind what we’re called. I have left it to the last minute to decide to stay in. August was quite a challenge to keep listing but certainly kept me focused. So i’ll have another go this month.


Majority of the votes are for September Sapphires, so unless we get some mega votes in he he next 45 mins or so, we will be Sapphires tomorrow!

Natalie x