Art chat 5th - 11th October

The cushion maker will be in Nantwich again in December, I’ve already arranged on FB to buy one of her sale items and pick it up at the next artisan Market there, more postage saved :slight_smile: I dread to think what I’ve spent on postage for all my Folksy purchases!

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Nice to to get some goodies and save on the postage.
It’s a pity Royal mail’s prices leap up if the after 1in depth.
I have just done another blog post about a visit to a garden.

Posts take me ages to do but it’s nice to be back to it again as I’ve had a bit of a break from blogging.
The Rising Tide sculptures were only there for September.

Good morning, great blogs Tessa, fascinating sculptures wish I had seen them, enjoyed the gardens too.

Ooh postage! My hermes has just reduced their small parcel post to £2.40 I think hubby said so a little bit less expensive than RM, I have to use small parcel post a lot for jewellery which is boxed but I offer free UK postage. I don’t just add the amount to items though, instead I worked out the average postage costs by item type and add it to my costs across the board along with packing, commission and Folksy fees as overheads so no one actually pays the true postage cost, in fact they pay a little less as I don’t alter my prices for fairs either so a painting that costs £10 here will be the same at a Fair, seems to work okay for me as I do almost as much off line as I do on line, not sure it would work if you only sold online though.

Lovely scenes Brenda, I expecially like the winter scene
Pretty encaustics Kelly, have you been watching HOCHANDA? channel 39 freeview there seems to be regular encaustic demonstrations with Michael and his wife
Looking forward to watching progress Stephie

I have been painting whoo! just waiting for them to dry properly and will take photos later on ready to list next week I painted mini trees, peacocks and flowers using my pebeo paints, love those paints and effects :art:

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afternoon all…
I have just listed another infinity scarf…this time in Christmas red…
I also did 6 aceos yesterday but need to take pictures of those and get them listed…mind you…right now I have over 70 aceos waiting to be listed !!!..I might list one on here later.
One day I might try my Hermes but it involves being home and not being quite sure when they will call to collect…although I think you can take them to one of our local shops…I might need to check that out…
Hope everyone is having a good day.

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afternoon all, just thought I would show you what I made yesterday. Love you scarf Brenda :smile:

managed to take some pics of mini paintings but not all of them are dry yet so will wait a few days before listing

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Love that wreath Max.

I just listed these sunflowers and chrysanths


Super gorgeous flowers Stephie, and lovely wreath Max.

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Good morning, off to Worle today hope the motorway is not too busy!. Just listed the first of my pebeo paintings

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Great work everyone…hope you have a safe trip Max…the sun is shining and not a cloud to be seen…
Just listed this one

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How odd, I’m trying to ‘like’ Max’s ACEO, but I get an error message!

Lovely work Brenda and Max, hope the motorway isn’t too bad for you Max.

Thanks Max for the blog love and the tip re Hermes which would be useful for my ebay things.