Art chat thread August 2021

Here is the place to show and chat about any art.
Please jump in and show what you have been painting…drawing…creating…

starting off the new month with some pretty pink roses


Thanks for kicking this off Brenda… this is a useful thread for us artists. I’d like to share a condensed story about a recent sale and wonder if folk have had similar or can offer any advice I.e. could I have done things differently. Yesterday I reported on a sale…my most expensive painting to date. This woman messaged me to say she’s local and could she come to my studio to see the painting. I don’t feel comfortable having folk round to my place to view things as I don’t have a studio and work out of a spare room which is full of ‘junk’ .plus it’s a family home and I’m mindful of others. Anyway, I explained all this and said I’d be happy to take the painting to her or meet somewhere neutral. After a few days she asked me to visit this weekend. I gave her a time and she declined saying that’s the time she walked her dog. I offered another time and she refused that saying that’s the time she helps her son with homework. I asked her for a time that would suit her and she said ‘oh, anytime except those times’. By now I was getting fed up with her so I told her to forget it for now. I said the painting may feature exhibitions and she could view it then at her convenience. Well she was not best pleased. She sent me a string of nippy messages, so to cut a very long and boring story a bit shorter…we eventually agreed a time and I took it over. She said she was delighted with it and wanted me to leave it with her so her husband could see it. I was in a bit of a flux but just said no. She then started to cry and explained her hubby would be back very soon. I spoke a few rambling platitudes and left her to it…by the time I got back home she had bought it on Folksy!!! Jeez…what a carry on! I hope she doesn’t buy anything else :joy::joy: I do get it in a way. It’s tricky selling art online. People do want to see it up close and give it the once over. And things can look different online. I usually feel delighted when I get a sale but this experience made me really uncomfortable. Has anyone else had tricky situations like this? :no_mouth:


An acrylic painting today


Goodness, what a nightmare.
You did right not asking her to the house. Unless you have the right level of business insurance cover that allows for this, keep the punters well away.
I think you handled her pretty well. Most people buy online in the knowledge that they are unlikely to see the item they are buying “in real life”, it’s a chance millions of us take every day and most of us are happy with result. This one seemed to want special treatment. If she wants to view art before she buys, there are many art galleries where she can do this, but she will have to pay accordingly!


Thanks Chris @TheChrisArtist …you’re spot on. The whole experience has made me think…I could have got myself in all sorts of bother going into a home of someone I don’t know…all by myself. I don’t think I’ll give in to that pressure again. Physical exhibitions are opening up again…I was at one yesterday here in Aberdeen. Onwards though, .I’ll put this one down to experience… :grinning::green_heart::grinning:


@SusanBettyArt That doesn’t sound like a great situation, but good to hear it did at least end up in a sale after all of that.
Yes, I definitely wouldn’t let someone in my house to view an item, and wouldn’t really want to go to theirs either unless it was someone I know. For a stranger I’d probably just suggest a neutral public place like a local coffee shop, or if I had an upcoming event, tell them I’d bring it there for them to view. You did right not leaving it with them either, I definitely wouldn’t be comfortable or trusting enough to do that.


Thanks a lot Kim…it’s bizarre. I’ve learnt my lesson for sure. Hindsight is really a great thing :grinning::green_heart::grinning:

Showing you a pair of water colour coasters.
The paintings are from my original painting, and have been reproduced onto these coaters


SusAN @SusanBettyArt WHAT A NIGHTMARE…Personally I would never have even travelled to show the painting…I might have lost a sale but if someone wants something enough, it is up to THEM to make the effort. Like you, I would be very uncomfortable about allowing someone in my home…IF I agreed, they would be on the doorstep and no further.
Your work is good enough that you don’t need to prove yourself or have any of the hassle…I am glad you got the sale though.xx


Great to see some new artists joining in on the thread…keep posting or the link will disappear.
Here is my card for today


You are so right Brenda. I said to my Janice I didn’t want to go and I wasn’t that interested in the sale. However, her messages were a tad threatening when I told her to “forget it”…I just caved in and wanted it over and done with. However, it won’t happen again. Thanks everyone for the reassurance and guidance. It has helped me figure out a strategy (a polite one :smiley:) should anything similar occur. :green_heart:


And on a brighter note! I decided to brighten up some frames by giving them a fresh coat of paint. What a carry on! I don’t think I’ll be doing that on a regular basis. However, here’s what I’ve listed today…a new painting I’ve called, “Grow Your Love of Nature”…and for me, I need to grow some patience for all the times I start on something and quickly feel like chucking it out of the window! :joy: :joy: Have a great day artists!


How stressful @SusanBettyArt it’s a difficult one. A friend of mine is an antiquarian bookseller and sometimes get asked if they can visit. She just says no, her insurance doesn’t cover her. However, if she knows someone then that’s fine. Even if she knows them through selling books, they often become friends.
This painting has been selected for the ‘gifts for indoor gardeners’ guide :blush:


Thanks Sue. @SueTrevor I love your plant painting btw. I now keep thinking I’ll get a message from her to say she’s changed her mind and she doesn’t want the painting after all. My daughter tells me to stop making stories up in my head. She’s right of course. I think the fact the woman started to cry really threw me…I’m not that scary honest :joy::joy:


Goodness, what a palaver :slightly_smiling_face:
You certainly have more patience than me in this respect, there’s a consumer law in the UK that gives the buyer 14 days to return the item if they’re not happy, that’s plenty of time to stare at it in the flesh. If, in the extremely unlikely event I were to offer to visit, and they told me they’d be walking their dog, I’d tell them to teach their dog to paint. However, as my wife often reminds me, I don’t suffer fools gladly :wink:
Here’s a watercolour I did over the weekend, Alone Again, 420x297mm.


Lovely watercolour Graham @GKWatercolourArt
Here’s a recent one of my local beach.

Finnygook Beach


Morning….love the watercolours @ChrisStoneArtist and @GKWatercolourArt ……I’ve never stuck with watercolours as I tend to be heavy handed and love layering and creating texture. My watercolour efforts tend to end up looking like muddy puddles :joy::joy:. Here’s one I did in acrylic of the sea recently.


Great work everyone
Susan @SusanBettyArt I think that sue’s answer is the best one and worth keeping is…“I am sorry but my insurance doesn’t cover that !”…
Here is my card for today


showing one of my bees wax paintings, reproduced on to a mug coaster