Card and Papercraft Weekly Thread 5/12/16 - 11/12/16

Morning Everyone

This is a place to show, admire and if you are inclined, to buy all kinds of cards and paper crafts smile
If you have time we are all happy to be stumbled, tweeted, facebook liked,blogged to your hearts content.

Most are happy to be pinned too, but they will say in their post if not.

Buyers if you don’t see what you are looking for, please ask.

The theme for this week is ‘Merry and Bright’. As you can probably tell, I’m still staying on the festive season in the hope of seasonal sales!
But anything will do as always :blush:
Steph x

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Very heavy frost here today but the skies are lovely
Hope the theme is ok
Thanks for all your efforts last week it was a good one!

Here’s my new pack today

Stay warm!
Steph xx

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Cold and frosty here too. I’ve been a bit lazy with Folksy for the last week trying to catch up with myself after a hectic few weeks but hopefully this week will be a bit calmer so I might get chance to share a few things on here (although I don’t think I’ll be listing anything new now until after Christmas)
Hope this one is bright enough for the theme :smile:

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afternoon all…today I have a card featuring a beautiful painting by the talented Josephine Wall

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Morning everyone, great to carry on the Christmas theme :slight_smile:

Afternoon all,

Jeanie x

Great theme Steph. Thanks for stepping in again.

Am almost there is so will get back into running alternate weeks next week.

Thank you you are a star steph@stephshortstationery


Hiya. ,
Gosh you’re a busy lot! Great though to have all lovelies listed here😀
Hiya Carol @cariadcrafts11 ah that’s ok, you know I don’t mind X
And I must apologise for not replying yet to your email…so sorry, I’ve a market/craft stall on at weekend so I’m frantic with baking, I’ve got no more room in my cupboards to store made Xmas loaves and ginger loaves, the freezer is full up with scones, I’m on for bics now nearly forty pks of twelve made up until now! Just trying to get as much made and labelled long before the weekend.
I’m so pleased you’re in your new’forever’ home though,you must be so pleased, but I’ll email you after fair, if that’s ok xx

Here’s my new listing today

Steph xx

Just adding Christmas cards into the shop now – bit late to the party! :slight_smile:

Hope all is well, I’m dashing as always!!
Here’s mine today

Steph xx

Today I have a flower fairy card

Another Christmas card

Jeanie x

today I have a birthday card to show

Hi all
Sorry I’ve been missing but been preparing for Xmas market stall which was yesterday, so I had a lot of baking and making!
It was worth it, only came back with a couple of pks of oaties, a couple of figgy pudding loaves and mulled wine fruit loaves, so considering I took nearly forty Xmas loaves, I’m just pleased they all went, it’s awful when I have to bring loads of cake back, nowhere to store them.

So here’s mine

Took these with me yesterday but forgot to put them out!!:tired_face: Doh!
Steph X

Hi Everyone

Well we are now in our new forever happy home,.

Most of the boxes unpacked and been busy thinking and buying for Christmas, as absolutely nothing was done before!!! Seemed mad buying stuff in and then having to pack it!!!

So serious shopping been done, and half wrapped now :smile:

I will be back in the reins tomorrow. Will definitely have to find time to take pics of Christmas cards, as none in my shop at the moment tut tut, probably too late but hey ho, cant do everything.

BIG BIG thankyou to Steph @stephshortstationery for taking care of this thread for the last 3 weeks, you have been a little star, especially when I know you have been so busy and also struggling with the pain.

Glad the fayre went well yesterday

See you all tomorrow

Carol xx

My last contribution for this week…

Jeanie x