December Sparklers - Daily Listing Challenge Thread December 2016

good afternoon everyone…today I have another aceo miniature watercolour landscape

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I hope they have something exciting planned for you Francis! But maybe not?

Been busy planting fruit trees today. The ground was frozen to about two inches depth, but after that it wasn’t too bad. Looking forward to spring time when things start to look alive. We will then find out if the trees, bushes, rhubarb etc have actually survived. Been buying stones today - eeek!


Good afternoon Sparklers, yay that’s me off for a week. Happy New Year dancing for sales Deborah, Val and one for me too :).

Garden is looking fab Jacqueline, so tidy, mine is covered with leaves and grass too wet and soggy to clear :neutral_face: but on the plus side all my bulbs seem to be coming up :blossom::tulip:


Thank you Max - it is a cropped picture, so you don’t get to see the general mess and childrens toys. Sneaky really. My bulbs are coming up too and I planted 60 hyacinth bulbs the other day. they should have been planted out in October and were sprouting in the bag. I hope they survive the frosts. Enjoy your time off. New Years Eve tomorrow. Anyone going to parties or having a knees up at home?

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Hello Sparklers - I’ve not been very good on this thread this month. I really need to have a good stock check and re listing/listing session. I have had so much in shops and at craft fairs over Christmas that is now sitting in bags and boxes - must sort it all out, it won’t sell if its not listed! Trouble is I’ve been playing around sampling lots of ideas so just havent had time. Maybe a job for the weekend.

No parties for me. I am being left in charge of 4 dogs, 2 cats, 2 rabbits and 3 guinea pigs…and me as my sister is off to visit her husbands family. Doubt I will see the new year in, I’m usually struggling by 9pm!

Nothing to show you today and probably not tomorrow either but will try and start afresh in January. Sorry Maxine @paperchainsandbeads - I was going to offer to take over next month but was in a foul mood (due to the ex) when you posted that I never got around to it. Thanks for keeping the thread going.


Looking good Jacqueline @JAustenJewelleryDesign!

No parties for me either, quiet night in at New Year’s Eve, hubby leaves for work at 5.15 in the morning, so no calivanting for us.

Natalie x

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Hi all, Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Sorry I haven’t been around but it’s been chemo week this week and although I haven’t felt too bad I’ve been keeping low. I just thought I’d pop in with one more listing to finish the year off…

Jeanie x


Lovely to see you Jeanie @thecardjeanie. Hope you continue to feel reasonably well.

A low-key evening in for us tomorrow, but I’ll do us a little buffet so we can eat our way into the New Year. I was introduced to Prosecco the other day and seem to have a bottle in the fridge, so I think that might feature in the evening.

We were meant to go to see a Christmas lighting display in the grounds of Blenheim palace this evening, but we got part of the way and decided we were best to turn around and come home as the fog was quite thick in places.

A sale to report please Max @paperchainsandbeads

And a new bracelet

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Evening. Back home after a long and foggy drive. The house is freezing! Had a great few days visiting our middle son. His brother and family were also there most of the time so they had a full house and we volunteered to stay for b&b in a local pub. Best of all worlds - we had lots of time with the kids and got a good night’s sleep as well! Haven’t decided whether to join the thread in Jan, Max @paperchainsandbeads. Feel I need to step back and try to catch up with myself, but I may join later in the month if that’s ok. I’m relisting a January birthstone today.

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Just decided to end the year with a flash sale! 10%off all items in my shop until midnight Saturday with the discount code BYE2016.


As I am up so late I will add my last new listing for 2016 now.
Got a bit of time in the shed today, mostly admin and tidying. But a bit of planning for the year ahead too.

My OH wants to celebrate new year at a party at the local pub tomorrow night, not really my thing -but will have to show willing…and be the driver.

Glad you are bearing up so well Jeanie @thecardjeanie hope 2017 is a really positive year for you.


Morning All, Happy Weekend!
Glad to hear you are doing okay Jeanie @thecardjeanie - take care.
Quiet NYE for us looking after one dog who is petrified of fireworks and hides in the most difficult places and one who likes to try and bark them away! Have a good one all

Good morning Sparklers and Happy New Years Eve to you all, yay happy dance for sale Sue, had one myself too.

Lovely to see you here Jeanie, sending hugs to you my lovely :slight_smile:

I have the whole day to myself so going to make the most of it in the craft room trying out my new tools and designs, and a quiet night for me and himself, no partying here either lol! though I may have a glass or two of presecco. Have a fab day everyone

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Sue @BeadstormJewellery let’s just say that what I thought we would be expected to do on Thursday turned out not to be what we did on Friday; and that goes for both girls, although, in fairness, the the younger girl’s arrangements were changed by her father-in-law.
Last listing of 2016

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Morning Sparklers @AdienCrafts our dog used to be scared of fireworks (until he went deaf) we used to play youtube video’s of fireworks all day, starting off very quietly and building up slightly in volume over the day. By the time evening came he wasnt as bothered by them .

Happy new year to you all and may you all have a happy, healthy and sale filled 2017

I was trying to wait for some light to photograph, may retake the photos later, but for now here is my item, a velveteen ladies waistcoat.

Natalie x

The last day of the year already? How did that happen? For the 1st time I can remember we aren’t going out or had people round! Which feels slightly odd… our younger two are working again, double pay! :blush:
This is my 1st complete year doing the challenge on this thread, I started about October '15 and I would like to thank the people that run it, and everyone that joins in for all the positively and friendliness that comes from joining in. It’s now part of my routine to get up and list, but it has also concentrated my mind into trying to create new work so that everyday I have something new. I’ve had my best year on Folksy to date, and I’m sure this challenge is the main reason why,

So pleased you’re not feeling too bad Jeanie @thecardjeanie chemo really knocked my friend for six, I saw her in November and she’d just celebrated 5 years cancer free, which is wonderful.


Gentle hugs for you Jeanie! X

Morning Sparklers x