December Dazzlers Daily Listing Challenge Thread! 1st to 31st December 2015!

Good morning to the December Dazzlers Daily Listers and to all those taking part! Here’s to a month full of sparkling sales for us all!

Please don’t forget to view each other’s items in situ in their shops, to ensure we have good viewing figures for our items and most importantly, let us know when you have a Folksy sale, so we can celebrate with you.
Please remember to post a link of your item in the thread, or clickable picture if you prefer. If we have a direct link, it makes it easier for us to look at your items.
I will endeavour to keep a tally of the month’s sales. Please let me know if I miss any.
Sorry! Only folksy sales can be added to the tally but happy to hear about and celebrate outside successes with you.
There is a Flickr group for a collective of all the folksy daily listing groups, so join in with this too please

Twitter hashtag, for you twitter users are #folksygifts or #newonfolksy
For those wishing to repin, you can re-pin from my board

Folksy Daily Listers

Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all of your projects and interests.

And here is the FB link to Maxine’s wonderful shared page

The collective reported tally for the December Dazzlers by the end of yesterday was 377 Sales.

I will update the total if more sales come in today
Looking forward to seeing what everyone is going list!
Good luck everyone

Collective sales tally:

Glehcar X 3
JAustenJewelleryDesign X 9
RozCrafts X 10
OrchardFelts X 17
Valerie X 33 (edited 5.23pm)
Kernowclare X 8 (edited 11.5pm)
Teabreaks x 9
KarensCraftyBitz X 4
LifeCovers X 14
DeborahJonesJewellery X 27
Dawitchi X 6 (edited 2.43pm)
SilverBirtchStudios X 19
LeatherMeister x 5
CariadCrafts11 X 11
CuriousMagpie X 2
MidnightStarDesigns X 20
PipDesigns X 2
SueTrevor X 39
BeadStormJewellery X 32
Abyjem X 4
AdienCrafts X 11
Sandranesbitt X 8
StephanieGuy X 5
Paperchainsandbeads X 5
Thatenamelguy X 10
JacquelineOJewellery X 10
GreenwoodMakes X 6
StephShortStationary X 16
Hobbitgirlie1880 X 8
SoSewMegan X 6
Knittingtopia X 6
NOfkantsCurios X 2
Sewflair X 4
OhButtonMe X 2
LouiseGraceJewellery X 5
TheCardJeanie X 1

Total sales: 380 (edited 11.59pm 31.12.15)

Natalie x


Here’s to a Dazzling month for all!

My first listing for the month is this russet toned knitted scarf, super long and designed to curli in on itself.

Natalie x

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Good morning, a massive thank you Natalie @NOfkantsCurios for being our prime December Dazzler and managing the thread again, you are a proper star :star2: and really appreciated (don’t forget if you ever need a break I’m happy to take over dancing duties). Wishing us all lots of sales and a good December.

here’s mine for today

and a miniature painting


Good morning all - not sure I’m feeling all that much like a dazzler at the moment - didn’t sleep well at all last night. Luckily I have another day off today so it doesn’t matter too much. I think today I will finish my jobs and maybe make a couple of scarves. For now, heres one I made earlier…

Won’t be able to take part with this shop as I have run out of listings to show you for the moment but thought I would let you know that I have now reduced everything to £3 or less so do come and have a look.


Good morning, thank you Natalie for running the thread, please can I add one to the tally!

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Well done Rachel! Happy dancing for you!

Natalie x

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Morning Dazzlers! I woke up to sale this morning! Yay. Dazzling Dancing in my PJ’s xx

One for the tally please @NOfkantsCurios

Lovely scarf by the way xx :wink:

Jacqueline x


I am dancing with you Jacqueline, @JAustenJewelleryDesign but all ready for work, so no PJ’s!

Natalie x


Let’s hope it’s a real Razzle Dazzle December!

I have this little purse to start the month off with . . .

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Doing a Razzle Dazzle here too! Only got time for a relist this morning.

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Good morning all…December here at last…
I have two paintings today a new one and a relist


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Managed to post on the wrong thread this morning so I’ll repeat myself here :laughing:

Have a fab morning everyone


Good morning and a Dazzling December to you all. Starting off with a relist…


Well ive made it! Not sure if I’ll get here everyday and how much I’ll be able to catch up on news so I apologise in advance. I’ll try and pin and promote as much as possible.

Happy December everyone lets hope for a good and ‘healthy’ month!! Really hoping for that!

Many thanks for all your kind thoughts and well wishes it’s really touching…thank you​:green_heart::green_heart:

Here’s mine today

I’ll set up a December board and post the link see you all later
Steph xx


Welcome back Steph :slight_smile:
Family visiting for me this morning then lots of filing to be done this afternoon.
Have a good day.


I also have a Christmas baby cardigan today

and I had some yarn left over, so I made these tiny baby mitts

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Morning Dazzlers!

A big thank you to you @NOfkantsCurios Natalie for looking after us for another month, really appreciate it, youre a star xx

Heres mine for today, my Showcase is running over on FB until 8pm this evening, do pop over if you have some time xx


Hope its ok to join in again @NOfkantsCurios to become a December Dazzler. I have managed to list a new item both yesterday and today after a couple of months and hope that being a Dazzler may help me list every day.
Here is todays new listing.


Hi Dazzlers

I’m just popping on quickly before I have to dash.
I will nip back abit later to catch up.

I have some more gingerbread men earrings. These ones are with bronze coloured ear wires :blush:

Have a lovely day folks
