Folksy 365 Daily Listing Challenge Club August 2020

HI all
Actually got here at a decent time today. Not so hot here today in Essex, and we didn’t get the threatened storms either, at least not yet.

Here is my listing for today

2020-07-24 23.57.04-2


Happy August! Thank you @MaxPringJewellery and @NOfkantsCurios. Welcome to @Popys, @HandknitBySam and @ScrumptiousSocks and a big hello to anyone returning.

Well done for those with sales already and fingers crossed for the rest - lots of lovely items and reasons to buy.

This is my second month taking part and I’m forcing myself to break with obsessive making to include the relisting, upgrading and remaking of what I already have. First up is a relist.



Hard to believe it’s August already. Just popping on to post before I forget and will go back and love / pin everything.


Afternoon everyone :slight_smile:
Thanks so much for running the thread this Month Natalie @NOfkantsCurios - can you add 7 sales to the tally for me today please x

My listing today is this set of buttons:


Thank you for the welcome! :blush:

I had a look at your shop, I LOVE your rings!!!


Well. Done Sarah @thedotterypotter on your 7 sales! Happy dancing for you!

Natalie x


Good afternoon everyone and welcome to those who are joining us for the first time.

Thank you for last month Max @MaxPringJewellery and thank you for running the thread this month Natalie @NOfkantsCurios.

You know the hassle with my washer/dryer and after a fight I finally got my replacement. Well, what if I told you I’ve done 4 loads in my new machine and it has the exact same problem :see_no_evil: This one is obviously still under manufacturers warranty and an engineer is booked to come out on the 20th (I’m on a cancellation list if they can get someone out sooner) so I’m thinking it must be a problem with that particular model.

Anyway, I’ve caught up on the July thread and loved and pinned to here. Here’s today’s listing


Caught up to here.
Congratulations to @SueTrevor, @thedotterypotter and @OrchardFelts for kicking us off with some impressive sales.
I’ve spent a frustrating afternoon following the Folksy blog on how to set up Instagram shopping. I’ve managed to upload my Folksy inventory as a Facebook catalogue (although my open top bus was initially rejected for being “sexual”!!!" What are they on?) I now have to wait and see if Instagram will accept the catalogue so I can tag posts back to my shop. Instagram is my best performing social media, so it can’t do any harm. Unless I throw the laptop out of the window in frustration.
Anyway, a new painting today. From my own imagination, a mystical Cornish landscape featuring a celtic cross and a sunset.
Mystical Cornish Landscape


All loved and pinned to here. Thanks Max for running
July and Natalie for taking over August.


Please add a sale for me Natalie, thank you.


Afternoon all, hope you’re all good. Feels like I’ve been away much longer than a month - time must fly on this thread! :smile: Been busy with boring house stuff, & some new designs…ended up still having a good month of sales, so not quite as much done as I’d hoped, but not complaining!

Ha Chris @ChrisStoneArtist - to the naughty step with your bus! :rofl: I saw people having trouble with facebook thinking they were selling live animals instead of toys, & all my swarovski birthstone jewellery has been flagged - I assume they think it’s a copyright issue. Give it at least 24hrs before lobbing the laptop - mine came through in stages but seems to be OK now (apart from the birthstone stuff).

Have loved & pinned to here. Thanks for running the show Natalie @NOfkantsCurios

My listing for today - a woven treble clef pendant…


Good afternoon all and happy August :laughing: was hoping we’d have a couple of days grace before August hit upon us :rofl: Thank you @MaxPringJewellery for July and being so welcoming to us newbies :sparkling_heart: and @NOfkantsCurios big thank you for taking up Augusts Daily Listing and keeping us all into check :wink: :blush: My listing is a new 2 set wipe-able boxes (@NOfkantsCurios please these aren’t personal, only just realised :face_with_hand_over_mouth:).


Oh thank you so much, appreciated. Funnily enough I was just looking at the crystal bead ones last night and picking out the ones that have rubbish photos I need to redo (so that’s nearly all of them!) Have just sat down to try to tackle some ahead of ‘iridescent’ coming up as one of the August Folksy tags. My shop is a bit of a jumble of crafts tried along the way :grinning:


OMG, nightmare. Hope they get it sorted permanently soon.


Dee @OrukiDesign beautifully made pendant. I have tried wirework but ran immediately back to my Chainmaille lol


Ha ha… was it the ‘Swinging London’ painting? I’m going to have a go at Instagram this month.
I want to use my laptop I don’t hold out too much hope, but might be able to do something.


Thank you Caroline! I’ve never tried Chainmaille…just been looking at yours - it’s beautiful! :slight_smile:


Hey All. Pinch, Punch, First of the Month and all that.

Been a long day for me with having my dad over (support bubble etc) and I’ve had earache too. Hoping it goes away and I don’t need to run the gauntlet of trying to get an appt or even a conversation on the phone with the Dr. Think I’d rather just expire.

Just a little charm for today. I made a load yesterday and took pictures but half my photos are crap so I’m going to have to do it again. Hoping to list something everyday this month.


Don’t risk your health or longer term damage. I know it’s a thought. I was really poorly Monday night (nearly at A&E stage) and called docs first thing Tuesday, they called back within 1/2 and hour. Booked me in for bloods to be taken the next day, was seen at exactly appointment time and had results the next day (all fine thankfully). I may be lucky with a really great surgery here but I think with so many people avoiding docs is only going to be a ticking time bomb for the future.


Well done Shirley @TheBeadHare on your sale! Happy dancing.
Lol Tink @TinkATextiles that made me giggle!
Jennifer @JenStarKnits you are so right, lots of people are delaying due to concerns, glad you are being seen promptly! Hugs!
@CoralRoseCrafts take care, if you get a popping bubbling sound in your ear, it usually means infection and you will need antibiotics, off course that’s not a clinical judgement, just know that’s what happens to me.

Natalie x