Folksy 365 - Daily Listing Challenge Thread - JANUARY 2018

Afternoon all,
Well my son changed all the locks on his new house yesterday, having discovered the previous owner had been in and collected all his mail! There documenting the progress on Facebook, before at the moment, they have stripped wallpaper, tiles and cleaned. They can’t move in until there is a functioning bathroom and kitchen. Sarah, @thedotterypotter I really feel for you, I suffer from anxiety at times, it’s horrid, CBT is a way forward if you haven’t already tried it. When my 1st two left home I was really ready for them to leave, but I still had two at home, now when they leave I can’t wait to have a dedicated sewing room, but I think that will be a while yet!
Today’s listing

And 3 sales to add to the tally please Max @paperchainsandbeads I also had one on the other side!


Good afternoon yay for those with a visit from the sales fairy :fairy: Sue, Sarah, Valerie and Annette & Tricia.

Sarah @thedotterypotter I have no issue whatsoever with your posts lovely, the one thing the peeps on this thread are good at is giving support we are all in this together through thick and thin and all lifes ups and downs.

Both of mine have flown the nest, we never went through the University thing as neither of them went, both finished school and did a year in college then straight into work and were moved out into their own homes by the time they were 23, there is only 14 months between them and they both moved out within a year of each other. It’s a bit of a shock to the system and I did and still do miss them terribly and love having them all home for meals, hubby still cooks meals for four even though they both moved out over 3 years ago now! it does get better though but I cannot bring myself yet to have a spare room just for making, I have a workbench in the back bedroom, but it still has a double bed in there and we have a single in the little room too so both will always have somewehere to come :slight_smile: The things that have helped are text’s facebook and regular calls just to chat, we don’t get to see our son as often as we’d like but that’s boys for you! sending a big hug lovely and we are always here to listen and support xx


good afternoon all…another aceo mini painting from me today…I’ll be back for faves later


When will fI learn?! My sister took me for a “short” bike ride this morning - I think our definition of the word short differs somewhat - 24km later I am a broken woman! My legs are jelly. On the plus side I did earn an extra 600 calories on the way so can feast later.

Sarah @thedotterypotter - I’m sure telling you it will be fine won’t convince you but honestly it will! Both mine have flown the nest now and it is such a lovely feeling seeing them coping on their own so well. With the eldest for the last couple of months before she left I left her to look after herself in terms of washing, shopping (with a budget) and cooking (she always ate separate meals from the rest of us anyway as she is vegetarian and also a very fussy eater) - she said it helped. The second one had a gap year and went travelling so was pretty much OK with looking after herself by the time she went. Don’t think about emergencies - likelihood is there won’t be any and if there were I’m sure both you and your son have a sufficient network of friends that would be willing to help out if you were to find it difficult. Have to admit that now I am so used to not having them around that when they come home, lovely as it is to see them, sometimes its nice to get my life back when they go again!

No new listing yet - got the photos but need to write the listing so will return later.


Good afternoon all,

This is the first in a range of cards I have designed with a ‘Collectors’ theme. More over the next few days…

Jeanie x


Sorry if I went on a bit! But feeling anxious myself and couldn’t stop. Daughter seems ok at mo and hopefully on track but I am on tenterhooks. Plus my car has broken :frowning_face: , the brakes were making a funny noise, which I ignored ,but last night they were positively dangerous when I was giving son a lift . Rather unfortunate as back to work tomorrow .AND I have nothing made and nothing to list :frowning_face:
Hope your creativity helps you along Sarah. Your work is so lovely.
On the bright side just had a frosty walk which blew a few cobwebs off :slightly_smiling_face:
Hope to list soon.


I think some of you might consider me the nightmare daughter however my father always said ‘I only want 2 things for my daughters - for them to be happy and leave home and I’m not too worried about the first’ and my sister and I took them literally. My parents are lucky (they might not see it like that) if they see me once a year and this Christmas was our first together in at least decade but that was so that I could sort out the ‘cupboard of doom’ before they downsize (they claimed it was full of my stuff but the truth was slightly different once I got into it). However little we actually see each other I know that they are only a phone call away and they know that I will call them if I need them. (and the comment about girls being homebodies made me laugh - the mother in law is much more needy than my folks so we end up spending way more time with her and not through my choice)
Anyway I’ve digressed, here’s the next bit of new fordite


Afternoon, gorgeous day here but my goodness it is chilly!

Sarah @thedotterypotter sorry to hear you are struggling, I can’t offer any experience :grinning: but having basic lessons in cooking and budgeting will help if your son doesn’t know how already and might help ease your mind somewhat. I’m sure there won’t be any emergencies and I am sure that you have enough friends and family around to help if needs be. Where is he hoping to get into and what course is he doing? ( Sorry to be nosy, it just interests me!)

Natalie @NOfkantscurios that jaspers is lovely! Reminds me of a Chinese ink painting of mountains!

Another brooch from me today!


All looked an loved up to here. Sarah @thedotterypotter I too have been through the depression anxiety thing. Not on any medication at the moment and I find when I start to feel that way the best thing is to get myself busy crafting! My daughter left home at 19 and I felt as if she had died as I was living in Zimbabwe and she moved to the UK! Now more that 20 years later, I live in the UK and she lives in Portugal. But she works a lot in London so often stays the weekend with me. My item for today is a relist of a necklace in my favourite colours - green and gold.


Wow the one that Max thought looked like a Picasso… Lovely piece.


Hi everyone, loving all the advice and experience you’re all sharing today. Just finished my tax return, it’s never as bad as I expect so I don’t know why I put it off until the last minute!


Back with a listing. Made this last night when the item I was meant to be working on just wasn’t happening! I don’t know that it will sell but I think its cute and I might as well list it!


Afternoon all,
Not made it out to my shed today, so another relist.

Sarah @thedotterypotter I feel for you, I have a feeling I will be in the same boat when my daughter goes. Last year I had a bit of a wobble when she was very low over a relationship break up, like an ongoing anxiety attack, couldn’t sleep, circular thinking, felt like I couldn’t breathe ,work, read or anything.
2 things that I think helped me feel less anxious were cutting out all caffeine and alcohol and buying a running machine - in the early hours when I couldn’t sleep, instead of agonising over hypotheticals I would get up and run. Thankfully it passed. But I decided that I needed to get involved in more things in my own life, so that I was less affected by her moods and presence for my emotional stability.
I don’t know if any of this is any help, I just know the feeling was awful and debilitating, and wouldn’t wish it on anyone.



Nothing new at the moment, but new things being tried out and almost ready to be photographed. Just hope the sun stays out tomorrow. Beautiful frosty day, very cold though.

Sarah @thedotterypotter, I can just reiterate what others have said, I have just the one son and really dreaded him leaving, my head was saying it was the very best thing getting a university education but my heart just didn’t listen. The best thing you can do is get stuck into your pottery making, it is gorgeous, even if it is more Christmas stock if no inspiration, you will be glad of it at year end. Kep your mind busy. Teach your son how to make basic meals, my son loved pasta with baked beans!!! He made that one up himself!!! and how to do his washing. He will be fine, I always think it is the ones left at home that it is worse for.

See you all tomorrow

Carol xx


Hi New listing for today


It’s gorgeous Roz. I love it!

1 Like

New in just now.


Please can you put me down for a first sale of the year Max? @paperchainsandbeads


Have recently come back from a lovely, but cold, walk by the canal. Now cosy in the lounge and not wanting to move. So it’s just a relist from me today as the computer is in my (cold) work room and I am not sure I am whizzy enough on my phone to do any more than paste a link.


Thank You all for taking the time to answer me. It is reassuring to know that those of you that have been through it already, have actually found ways to cope and even enjoy having some more space!
I did teach him how to iron a shirt the other day, next step is cooking!
I cut out caffeine in drinks quite a few years ago and even stopped eating chocolate for 3 years but couldn’t keep that up! lol. I must immerse myself into a few more things. I would love to join some more groups and go back to Slimming World (but one of my other anxieties is holding me back from that at the moment too (I won’t go into that as well - hehe!)
Yes, i’ve got myself one of those diaries where you fill your days up from morning until night - so that’s what i’ve got to do.

I do like the idea of running in the middle of the night Deborah @DeborahJonesJewellery! My Aunty used to get up and iron when she couldn’t sleep but I don’t really like ironing and would probably burn myself in a half sleep haze!