Gardening chat

ooh, they look delicious Teodora @TeodoraPaintings :slight_smile:
Looking at your spring onions, I think mine may be ready to harvest too - will pull a bunch up later in the week!

Love peonies Tina @DaisyWings but Iā€™ve never grown any. Do they just bloom for spring or all summer long?

Iā€™ve still got lettuce problemsā€¦Only one of my original lot survived the slugs, so I planted more seeds and added 4 more into my bed the other day and now Iā€™ve only got 1 of those left too. As you can see, Iā€™ve got copper tape all around the planter and sawdust around each plant but nothing is working. Iā€™ve planted some onions and spring onions in the same bed too.
Iā€™ve got a trayful of lettuces to plant out but Iā€™m not sure what to do with them next to protect them!


Hi everyone :slight_smile:

Yes, peonies are lovely Sarah, @thedotterypotter they do only bloom in late Spring but the blooms and the lovely foliage really make them worth planting. :slight_smile:

The strawberries look great Teodora @TeodoraPaintings

Raining here this morning, the garden really needs it.


Hi Sarah I bought these Neudorff Sluggo Slug and Snail Killer, 800 g on Amazon, which I think someone recommended on here as being safe for birds and hedgehogs and the blurb online says they are too. Our lettuces have been thriving in our raised bed. Might be worth a go.


Thanks - Iā€™ll go and look them up xx

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I am rather pleased with how my allotment looks like, still more to learn and I had to put up netting to keep the neighboursā€™ cats at bay :grinning:. Tomatoes are looking good, as well as peas, beans and courgettes. Cucumbers were eaten by slugs and the peppers are still quite fragile. Will wait and see.


They are looking nice and healthy. I also see some sweetcorn. I have to net my fruit as the squirrels just see it as their kitchen. We fenced around the area and put up 2 falcons and an eagle which seems to have worked. No pidgeons have been near it.

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Looks good @TeodoraPaintings. I have to use netting to keep the foxes out of my cut flower raised bed. They dig BIG holes!

Looks great Teodora :slight_smile:

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

Think my garden has had plenty of rain this past week which is good as itā€™s been so dry here.
My new little plants are coming along just nicely;


Theyā€™re looking fab, & Iā€™m very jealous of your cold frame! I really need to have a think about making one - I have a few bits & bobs, including some glass from old clip photo frames, just need to work out how to put it all together.

Actually Dee, itā€™s perspex just placed on the top of pieces of wood, not even fixed and so far itā€™s stayed put. :smile: You might be able to do that with your glass.

Hi everyone. Iā€™m new to the forums, and new to gardening. Since all this started, weā€™ve been growing stuff but my mum canā€™t visit and tell me what to do with everything so its been a steep learning curve! Love reading about everyoneā€™s gardening here.

Quick question: Iā€™ve got my first lupin, and do I cut off the flower stalks when they start to die or leave them? And if I cut them off, how far down do I cut them off please? Thanks in advance.

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Our arbour seat arrived yesterday, ordered from the local garden centre at the beginning of March but with lockdown the 3 weeks lead time developed into a lot longer. Got it erected half killed us and very heavy. Changed our minds on placement and now have at the side of the house, very quiet and under a tree full of birds and bees when in blossom. Comfy seat cushion ordered this morning.


Hello and welcome Clara :wave:
If you deadhead the lupin when the flower is starting to die off, it may reflower again later in the summer - cut down to where there is a leaf/joint. In autumn, when it has (hopefully) flowered again, you can chop it right down to the ground.


Hi there!
Plants arenā€™t my strongest subject, but after recently drawing flowers for my mum I liked the idea of expanding my artwork along with the opportunity to practise using more vibrant colours. I was even thinking of later adding these drawings behind my already drawn animals as backgrounds, so thought I would start with the wild strawberries growing in our very own garden :strawberry:
Iā€™m open to art requests, and enquiries are welcome! ~


Iā€™ve been reading this thread with interest, there are some lovely gardens and allotments. Thought you might like to see a corner of my garden. My OH came home with this old fireplace the other day, so weā€™ve repurposed it :sunglasses:. I thought we should add a ā€œmantelpieceā€ too.


What a stunning corner of garden! Such a variety in a small space. Great idea with the fireplace, and I love the sculpture too. :smiley:


Thank you @aneeya, we like to stuff as much into the border as possible. The Easter Island head is called Morcant :slightly_smiling_face:


This is a piece of the raised beds we put together in a very muddy February, just in time for planting all these lettuce, beetroot, chard and courgettes - just canā€™t keep up with eating them though!


Love your raised beds. Iā€™m just waiting for our runner beans to growā€¦ come on, quickerā€¦ :rofl: they are my favourite veg. And the courgettes are nearly ready, couple more days.

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