@DaisyWings what a great idea!
So great when you can make use of âstuffâ isnât it
Whilst itâs not gardening related per se Iâm seriously over excited about having just discovered not 1 but 2 hedgehogs in the garden whilst I was locking up. And given how portly one of them was I suspect there might be hoglets at somepoint.
@SashaGarrett, I have 3 come to visit, they have a feeding station and fresh water just outside the patio doors, I know theyâre about when the security light goes on, I love watching them.
@SashaGarrett @HandcraftedbyPicto We have hedgehogâs too. Last night there were loud huffing noises which apparently they make at mating time so hopefully weâll see little hoglets too.
Wow, your allotment is stunning!
Thank you.
Picking up an early wedding anniversary present tomorrow. We have just bought a 16ft x 8ft second hand greenhouse. Hubby and son have got the joyous job of dismantling it and putting it up again. So excited thinking about what I can grow in it this year.
One of my favourite flowers is Erigeron and I just love it in this repurposed drum . It gives me so much joy.
Talking of hedgehogs âŚLook what we found this morning, my husband was just starting to clean out a tractor shed, they were under a huge empty seed bag, what a place to be born!! We hastily covered them up again and will leave the tidying up for a while! Thought you would like to see them!
Oh my goshâŚI canât cope with that level of cutenes on a Saturday Morning! What beauties!
Iâm so jealous of all of you with hoggie guests! I canât create a pathway into our garden yet (as I need to keep the bunny in)
Thatâs a great idea about using the grape containers as propogators Tina @DaisyWings - Iâm going to start collecting mine now, ready for next year!
That is a lovely display @TeodoraPaintings x
Have fun in your new greenhouse @beaniehats - hope the re-assembly goes without a hitch x
Oh fantastic @BrambleandBurt, youâre so lucky.
Good luck with the greenhouse @beaniehats
Well Iâve nearly done it , finally clear lots of digging of bramble roots to finish (do you know how deep they go) But I have a blank canvas !
Thanks for all the recommendations for a tree , Iâve settled on an elderflower yo start with and maybe a cherry tree when Iâve finalised my plans .
Wow - you have been busy - that looks amazing xx
What a transformation, that must have been hard work.
Gorgeous @TeodoraPaintings
Oh my look at those little hoglets, adorable @BrambleandBurt
Great job, youâve worked hard @reladesigns
Iâve done some more cuttings this afternoon. Now have to wait and see how many take.
One of my roses;
Awww, I had no idea hoglets looked like that - so cute!! Lucky you @BrambleandBurt
@reladesigns wow youâve been so busy - it looks fab! I have sympathy with the bramble roots, theyâre an absolute nightmare to dig out. I cleared a load then realised lots are coming under the fence from next door - will have to resort to just snipping them off repeatedly!
Gorgeous rose Tina @DaisyWings
Hereâs the opposite border to the one with all the brambles - I love when all the geraniums flower, as do the bees! Although Iâm going to have to clear a load after theyâve flowered as they are starting to take over - a right thug of a plant
@OrukiDesign The Geraniumâs are lovely but yes, youâre right, you have to make sure the donât spread everywhere.
Just thought Iâd share a pic of one of my peonies whilst theyâre still in bloom;