Gardening chat

@DaisyWings what a great idea!

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So great when you can make use of ‘stuff’ isn’t it :slight_smile:

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Whilst it’s not gardening related per se I’m seriously over excited about having just discovered not 1 but 2 hedgehogs in the garden whilst I was locking up. And given how portly one of them was I suspect there might be hoglets at somepoint. :smiley:


@SashaGarrett, I have 3 come to visit, they have a feeding station and fresh water just outside the patio doors, I know they’re about when the security light goes on, I love watching them. :hedgehog: :hedgehog: :hedgehog:


@SashaGarrett @HandcraftedbyPicto We have hedgehog’s too. Last night there were loud huffing noises which apparently they make at mating time so hopefully we’ll see little hoglets too. :slight_smile:


Wow, your allotment is stunning! :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Picking up an early wedding anniversary present tomorrow. We have just bought a 16ft x 8ft second hand greenhouse. Hubby and son have got the joyous job of dismantling it and putting it up again. So excited thinking about what I can grow in it this year.


One of my favourite flowers is Erigeron and I just love it in this repurposed drum :slight_smile: . It gives me so much joy.


Talking of hedgehogs …Look what we found this morning, my husband was just starting to clean out a tractor shed, they were under a huge empty seed bag, what a place to be born!! We hastily covered them up again and will leave the tidying up for a while! Thought you would like to see them! :hedgehog::hedgehog:


Oh my gosh…I can’t cope with that level of cutenes on a Saturday Morning! What beauties!

I’m so jealous of all of you with hoggie guests! I can’t create a pathway into our garden yet (as I need to keep the bunny in)

That’s a great idea about using the grape containers as propogators Tina @DaisyWings - I’m going to start collecting mine now, ready for next year!

That is a lovely display @TeodoraPaintings x

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Have fun in your new greenhouse @beaniehats - hope the re-assembly goes without a hitch x

Oh fantastic @BrambleandBurt, you’re so lucky.

Good luck with the greenhouse @beaniehats

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Well I’ve nearly done it , finally clear lots of digging of bramble roots to finish (do you know how deep they go) But I have a blank canvas !
Thanks for all the recommendations for a tree , I’ve settled on an elderflower yo start with and maybe a cherry tree when I’ve finalised my plans .


Wow - you have been busy - that looks amazing xx

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What a transformation, that must have been hard work.

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Gorgeous @TeodoraPaintings

Oh my look at those little hoglets, adorable @BrambleandBurt

Great job, you’ve worked hard @reladesigns

I’ve done some more cuttings this afternoon. Now have to wait and see how many take.
One of my roses;


Awww, I had no idea hoglets looked like that - so cute!! Lucky you @BrambleandBurt
@reladesigns wow you’ve been so busy - it looks fab! I have sympathy with the bramble roots, they’re an absolute nightmare to dig out. I cleared a load then realised lots are coming under the fence from next door - will have to resort to just snipping them off repeatedly!
Gorgeous rose Tina @DaisyWings

Here’s the opposite border to the one with all the brambles - I love when all the geraniums flower, as do the bees! Although I’m going to have to clear a load after they’ve flowered as they are starting to take over - a right thug of a plant :rofl:


@OrukiDesign The Geranium’s are lovely but yes, you’re right, you have to make sure the don’t spread everywhere.

Just thought I’d share a pic of one of my peonies whilst they’re still in bloom;


First harvest! So rewarding :slight_smile: . I can’t wait for more.