I’m Michelle and even though I have my own shop, I would really like for you to share your shops with me please. I’m finding trawling through the different topics too time consuming as I have so much stuff to finish off atm so I though it would be easier if you can drop a link below with a pic of what you sell.
I’m starting to look for small gifts for my adult family and friends (no children or babies) and, as I’ve already gifted them many times over with my handmade creations
I design and hand knit items using mostly natural materials. They are suitable for gifts for adults/children and for home decorations throughout the year.
My shoup is OasiscraftUK and my main line is decoupage bottles with lights. I do other decoupage items such as coasters, tissue box covers, hanging plaques etc. Decoupage is the art of affixing paper decorations (mainly paper napkins or mulberry papers) to a hard surface.
I know the feeling, I always used to send my handmade cards to friends and family but try to support other makers by buying their cards now. I also make gifts with a gardening theme if you have any keen gardeners to buy for? Gardening gift sets and decorated plant labels and seed envelopes, all large letter sized for easy posting too!
Hi Michelle,
I know what you mean - everyone you know already has something that you made, so time to spread the love. I make things from British wool and Harris tweed; personal items such as knitted hats and gloves, homeware items such as tweed tea cosies and lampshades, and useful little gifts such as purses and diaries.
I have a Collection dedicated to Gift Sets too: Gift Sets by Roses Workshop on Folksy
Hi Michelle, I specialise in humorous gifts (and inexpensive) quirky stocking stuffers - I basically make things that amuse me… everything from bookmarks and jewellery, to magnets and polymer clay creations… My shop is called MUNGBEANS
Hi Michelle,
this is a lovely idea. My shop is full of original paper collages plus greeting cards, Tote bags and a tea towel with my designs printed on. https://folksy.com/shops/TheCreativeSpace
How about a support stone? Great stocking filler or token of support for someone going through a tricky time, who struggles with anxiety or loves to fidget!