Interview worries (again) another Update

Great news! Wishing all the best for next week! :slight_smile: :smile:

Great news - I’ve only just read this thread as I’ve not been around for a while so am way late coming in. Well done for keeping trying - it really did pay off in the end! :slight_smile:

I hope you can work around your two i’d Reindeer! Best of luck with the job.

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@plumporridge LOL! Ive managed to avoid it so far. Except on the1 stocking it is on Il have to add a cleverly placed patch.

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They look good!

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I start my new/old job tomorrow, nervous although I shouldn’t be. Its come just in time as my “everyday casual wear with jeans” shoes have a split at the heel.


Well done getting new/old job. That’s a bit weird though that they made you redundant and now need someone to do that job.

Yeah, it was nearly a year ago but I know why they had to make me redundant. Im a tad annoyed they didn’t contact me if they were looking for people to work there, but it was a good job and nice people.