Introduction to steampunk

I run Leeds Steampunk Market which has been going since 2011.
I and my husband run five weekends a year in West Yorkshire and use venues such as museums in Leeds, Bradford and Halifax.
LSM are not curated events although we do invite traders, artists and authors that are the best in their respective fields and try to avoid duplication where possible. We do encourage new people that wish to trade to get in touch - we invite traders we believe have a unique offer for our customers and would like to keep it that way as we don’t want everyone selling the same thing!
We are always very excited to find new people doing something that we haven’t had before.
Although the label says “steampunk” we like the range to cover steampunk, Victorian, military, gothic, dark and spooky, vintage, faery, pagan, LARP, roleplaying, historical, heritage crafts, Sci-Fi, Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, geeky, nerdy, comics, gaming, modelling (railway and dolls house), a bit of Boardwalk Empire/Game of Thrones thrown in, alternative (but NOT in a fetish/burlesque way) - we think you can see how different we like the stock to be.
We also welcome traders doing edibles such as interesting and unusual jams, chutneys and alcohol (must have Personal Licence).
Hot food traders must have all necessary paperwork/inspections up to date.
Pitch prices are £35 per 6ft table/rail with a prompt payment discount of £5 off each 6ft (ie if you booked for a double on both days it would be £120 instead of £140) and all traders must carry their own PLI and any other necessary paperwork.
We run these events ourselves and receive no funding to help finance these - each event assists in supporting the one that follows.
Please email and state in the subject line which event/s you’re interested in.