June junipers, daily listing challenge thread. June 1st - June 30th

Adding a second one and I think I’ve caught up properly now!
Afternoon everyone :slight_smile:

Hello all.
Hope you are all OK. Im just wondering if anyone else can do next months thread? can’t believe it’s that time already.

Just wanted to let you all know that my interview went well I’m just waiting to hear if I have the job now. The manager said she wants to finish all the interview before she let’s any one because she has been burnt before in the past and wants to give everyone a fair chance. And I think that’s OK. Im not hopeful though but fingers crossed just incase.
Nothing to show at the moment. Everything seems abit up in the air.

Be back later.

Ps let me know if anyone can run the thread next month


I’m sending positive vibes your way Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880, hope you hear soon it’s horrible waiting. If no one else steps in I’ll step in though I may have a few days away mid July and can only catch up early morning or late afternoon, so if anyone is around and wants to jump in go for it :slight_smile:

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Thanks max @paperchainsandbeads both counts. I do have everything crossed. I think what got me was the first nursery offered me the job straight away (even though I couldn’t take it :frowning: ) and this one hasn’t but I like that because it is giving all of us a chance.

Hi all,

Here’s my listing for today…

Jeanie x

Evening all, I hope your pain is under control now @stephshortstationery I feel for you as I’ve had months of continuous back pain x
@SueTrevor your bird is beautiful!
@hobbitgirlie1880 fingers crossed for you x
A new one today :slight_smile:

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Good luck Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880, I hope you hear some good news soon! I am willing to take over in July if you like and if it helps you out Maxine @paperchainsandbeads. I will be away in various places for 10 days or so during the month, but probably that doesn’t matter so long as I can find WiFi access each day. Also I am hopeless at social media - is any knowledge necessary? If you don’t need me in July I will volunteer for August.

Hi everyone. Sorry to hear you are in so much pain Steph @stephshortstationery. Gentle hugs being sent your way xx

Roz @OrchardFelts I hope things get sorted soon for you. I hate all this moving house stuff xx

@thatenamelguy Love your bowl - just beautiful x

@hobbitgirlie1880 All sounds positive with your interview. Fingers crossed for you xx

I have been busy today, so have just popped in to show you this

Have a lovely evening everyone xx

Love those clouds Emma @TheCornishCoasterCompany - much more attractive than the ones we keep getting here!

Steph @stephshortstationery hope you’re feeling more comfortable today

Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880 finger’s crossed for you. They really can’t offer to anyone if they still have others to interview. I would think the other place was able to offer there and then because it was a zero hours contract and therefore they had more than one position to fill.

A new bracelet, to replace one sold previously

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Hope you have a comfortable night Steph @stephshortstationery and feel a bit better tomorrow x

Pat @silverbirchstudio you don’t need any social media knowledge to run the thread , and you just copy and paste what has gone before, with a few edits for the blurb part.
I think I will have to bow out next month as I need to concentrate my efforts elsewhere.

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I had an exhausting day yesterday helping a friend at an antiquarian book fair in Lancashire! It’s nice sometimes to go into someone elses world, there are similarities to craft fairs of course, lots of lovely people :blush:
Today’s listing

Early start for me today. Fingers crossed for a positive outcome @hobbitgirlie1880 - when I was recruiting I always had to wait until interviews were finished so don’t read anything bad into that. It sounds like it’s the interviwerer doing things by the book (which is a good sign that it’s a well run place!!). Hope you feel a bit better @stephshortstationery today, and that everyone has a good day sales wise! :slight_smile:

Here’s one from the old shop:

and one from the new:

Good morning. Here’s my listing for today. Have a good day everyone.

Good morning.
Wow was it warm last night. Hopefully it cools down abit today. Im hoping to do something today yesterday I was so lazy and did naff all. :smiley:

Im pleased to hear that my interviewer is doing things by the book. Its nice to think everyone has a fair chance. Its a really nice nursery and alot smaller than the first one. From what I was told at the first one they can take over double the amount of children than the second plus they were purpose built were as Fridays one can only take 40at a time as it’s in a converted house. Hopefully I’ll hear by end of next week beginning of the one after

Here’s a new bracelet
Be back later


So tired - went to party last night, home about midnight - then had to go and pick up niece and friends from a wedding at 1:30am. By the time we got home and everyone settled it was about 2:30 - then had to be up at 7 to go and collect by daughter from a friends house! My day today is going to consist of trips to and from the station to return everyone to their rightful homes. I think for the rest of today I will be finishing off a few bits that I have started, getting them photographed and then I am going to pack all my craft stuff away until I have moved. Wonder how long it will be before I feel the need to raid the boxes for a therapeutic crafting session.

My listing for today

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Good morning. Relisted today

Morning everyone. Thought I would make you smile with this one.

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Good morning everyone

Morning all,

A set of nice bright, cheerful gift tags today.

Morning everyone,
Many thanks for the well wishes and thoughts, it’s really good of you all :green_heart::green_heart:
Unfortunately no ease, it’s just the same, the pain doesn’t get easier, just some days it gets worse :tired_face:
Not caught up on today’s yet just wanted to get my listing on, in a reasonable hour for a change!
So I’ve some more tags today,
Hope you all enjoy your day Steph xx

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