Anyone Interested in the July Daily Listers Challenge?

Yes it’s that time again, nearing the end of the month and time to reach out and see if anyone is interested in taking part in the daily listing challenge for July 2016.

If you have not taken part in a daily listing challenge before and are wondering what it is all about or how it works, please pop across and visit the thread for June Junipers to see how we operate, but in simplistic terms:

The daily listing is a personal challenge to list an item a day for the month, it is a personal challenge, so no one will shout at you, or hound you off the thread if you miss a day here or there.
Once you have listed your item, you come to the thread for that particular day and tell us what you have listed, with a link to that item, so we can check it out too.
Visit the items of your fellow daily listers, i.e. actually click on the item in their shops, a simple way to show you are taking part and fellow club members really appreciate that you have stopped by!
Promote not just your own item, but fellow club members too, in whatever way you are able, by pinning, stumbling, FB linking, Blogging, Tweeting, whatever is in your remit of possibilities, in this way we all support and promote each other, and hopefully raise awareness of our crafts and of Folksy too, all of which has to be a good thing.

Please remember that although sales cannot be certain, additional promotion can be, which has to be a good thing!

Every month we think of a new unique name for the challenge, and to get the ball rolling I’ll suggest some names off the top of my head, but would really appreciate your name suggestions to add to the list, then we can all vote on our favourite name, the most popular one will then be adopted!

July Belles
July Jollies
July Scorchers
July Sunnies

okay they are not brilliant, well it is only 6:30am and I haven’t had my coffee yet lol! any name suggestions welcome :slight_smile:

Sadly, for the first time in 2 years I’m going to have to dip out of this one - will hopefully be back refreshed and raring to go in August :slight_smile: Wishing you all lots of lovely sales.


Im in max @paperchainsandbeads. Thank you for doing next month

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Yes please,it will give me the momentum needed…thankyou …dawn

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I would like to join in please if i may :slight_smile:

Me please :grin::grin::tulip:

Me too please. Thank you for doing July, Max, and I’ll look forward to August!

Count me in.
I like July Jollies.

I’m in :grin:

Me too! Thank you very much max, xx

I would love to take part again. :blush:

I’ve missed a few months due to opening another little shop on a website I won’t mention :wink:
I’m finding it really tricky to balance the two promotion wise and its really tiring. It’s also resulted in no sales for a while.

I had a good word with myself and decided it’s time to take it down a notch and just get back to enjoying what I love doing… Creating :smile:

I’ve really missed not taking part in such a lovely thread, and seeing what other fab things folks have made.

I like July Jollies too :blush:

Karen x


Oh yes please, might be a bit erratic tho, as we too are putting house on market soon. July Jollies sounds fun

Thank you

Big thanks to Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880 for all your hard work in June

Carol xx

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I’m in - I’m always a bit erratic, but will do my best :slight_smile:

I’d like to have another go next month, I’ll be away for a bit so won’t be able to do the whole month, but definitely up for the rest! I think July Jollies sounds good.

Thanks to Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880 for doing June xx


I’m going to skip this month and have a break. I will still pop onto the thread now and then. Hopefully will be back in August with my mojo in top gear. :smiley:

Yes please, and thanks for taking it on Maxine @paperchainsandbeads😀

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July Jollies seems the most popular :slight_smile:

Sadly, I don’t think I will be able to join you fully. I might be able to pop by now and again if I have anything to list, but I think the move and the impending onslaught of MAJOR DIY will take its toll.

I wish you all mega sales and hope to see you all again soon.

Have a great month xx