June junipers, daily listing challenge thread. June 1st - June 30th

Karen, if you accidentally pin things to the wrong boards, you can just go in and edit the pin (icon with the pencil) and move it to the right board, rather than deleting and re-adding. Been there and done it several times! :blush:

Evening all, can’t believe it’s July tomorrow…and my daughters 14th birthday! (I’ve still got to bake a cake).

I had to drive my son to Wales today as he is off to Spain with his girlfriend on Tuesday and his passport had expired! A very long and expensive day :frowning:

Enjoy your holiday Roz @OrchardFelts Congrats on the sale Karen @silvertreejewellerydesign
Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880 I hope you feel better soon and thank you for running the thread :slight_smile:

Thanks for running the thread Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880 June seems to have gone very quickly. Hope the meds work quickly and you feel better soon.

Congrats Roz @OrchardFelts Enjoy your hols!

Fingers crossed for you and OH Colleen X


Thanks for all the good wishes for my sister-in-law. She is doing well and fortunately they didn’t have to remove a whole kidney! She has to wait a couple of weeks for her results and next steps.

Congratulations Roz @OrchardFelts, hope you have a great holiday.
Thanks Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880 for running the thread - I had an amazing two sales, which is a vast improvement on previous months!


That’s great news Rachael @AppleQueenJewellery
So pleased it’s all falling in to place for your Roz @OrchardFelts. Enjoy your holiday and look forward to seeing you after the move etc
Colleen @MidnightStarDesigns glad things are looking up for you all
Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880 hope you feel better soon and a massive thank you for running the thread for us all

Off on a round trip to Southampton tomorrow to take some of the larger items down to our daughter’s flat & also to give hubby a chance to see it

Another re-list from me

I’m having internet problems so quickly popping in to say I’ve had a final sale of the month, bringing my total to 12. See you tomorrow.

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Hope you get things sorted Dawn @hobbitgirlie1880 and thank you for running the thread x
Roz @OrchardFelts have a lovely holiday hun and congrats on the house move hope everything goes smoothly x
Thats great news Colleen @MidnightStarDesigns bet you can’t wait hun x
Loved to here
I’m taking a little time out, back to norm Tuesday x

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Congratulations to Roz @OrchardFelts - going out on a high:grin:

Thanks for the tip Alison @FluffStuffCrafts - I’d hope there was a simpler way, but I just panicked :wink:

Thanks for the congratulations Emma @TheCornishCoasterCompany - hope you’ve recovered from the unexpected trip to Wales.


Im just looking for the July Jollies thread Max @paperchainsandbeads and cant see it anywhere. H E L P

Carol xx

Have you found it Carol @cariadcrafts11 ?
I still cant find it
Valerie x

Neither can I!


Hopefully this is the link to it